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Give Skylar the send off she deserves

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With the permission of Brian and Kayleigh i am writing to update you all that sadly Skylar was just to precious for this world and sadly lost her battle this morning .
All donations already received and any future donations will now go towards giving this precious little angel the send off she deserves and anything left over will go the neonatal unit.
Brian and Kayleigh and all the family are so greatful for all your support so far and Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

My name is Sarah,
On Friday the 9th of August Kayleigh gave birth to a precious little girl Skylar but unfortunately things didnt go as smooth as any one hoped.
Skylar had to be transferred from glangwilli to Swansea for intensive care and is currently on machines which are breathing for her, she has an array of problems which they are still trying to find the cause of, she is undergoing tests with no answers yet.
Kayleigh and Brian hired a car to travel from Milford to Glangwilli to have Skylar with the intention of her being home with the other children by now however it hasnt worked out like that and they are both in Swansea with their baby girl and without that hire car they would have had trouble getting to Swansea to be with her when she was transferred, they have got to hand the car back tomorrow (Monday) and will not have transport if she needs to be transferred again or to be able to get back and gorth to see their other children who are being looked after in Milford plus the vosta of them being in Swansea, food etc
i would love to be able to help them more myself but unfortunately i cant so i am asking for help to keep them with their baby hirl and able to get where they need to be when they need to be there.
Any donation would be greatly appreciated.


  • Patrycja Klaudia Lewicka
    • £5
    • 26 d
  • Caitlyn Seabourne
    • £15
    • 26 d
  • Carlene Morley
    • £10
    • 30 d
  • Mark Atkinson
    • £5
    • 30 d
  • Tracey Byrne
    • £20
    • 1 mo

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sarah Underwood
Kayleigh Griffiths

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