Brianne Corn Wrist Rebuild
Brianne Corn Has Helped Hundreds if not Thousands, Now She Needs Our Help
Brianne Corn, beloved driver, mechanic, biker, photographer, noted dog enthusiast, and all around loveable rogue, had a bad fall in her shop on October 11th. Brianne broke her left elbow and shattered her right wrist at the end of the ulna and radius bones.
Brianne needs approximately 12,000 dollars in wrist surgery to make her right hand functional again. She'll need 3 months of recoup time and physical therapy and drugs. We're estimating that's another 5-8000 in medical bills alone.
Add on 3 or more months of downtime for Brianne who is a working race car driver and mechanic and consultant which will result in thousands of lost wages during this period.
We estimated Brianne could use up to 30K all totaled to get right after this.
*ALL* funds raised will go directly to Brianne's treatments and getting her back on her feet during her physical therapy and recuperation time over the next 3-4 months.
I know Brianne has helped A LOT OF PEOPLE in the motorsports and wider car culture communities. Knowledge, tools, parts, encouragement Brianne gives every bit of herself to her extended friends and family and we hoped this would be a good way for some of those extended loved ones, friends, and family to give back.
If you know and love Brianne as so many of us do, I'm asking for your support for her. If you have never heard of Brianne, her racing accomplishments sheet is half a mile long (see end of this post) (and I only have the stuff up to 2012!)
Brianne also has paypal as an alternative: you can message me about that and we will send you Brianne's PayPal.
Here's a great article by Keller Bradberry about Brianne:
And a bunch more about Brianne and the RallyCross series she runs with her brother Kevin Corn (Lonestar Rallycross):
Here are some photos of Brianne being Brianne:
Career Highlights (will update):
2012 SCCA Rallycross National Chmapionships, Mod All Wheel Drive Champion
2012 Texas Rallysport, Rally AWD Champion
2012 Pikes Peak Time Attack, 5th Place
2012 SCCA New Mexico Pro Solo, Race Tire 2, 2nd Place
2012 WRC Mexico, Rally America class, DNF
2012 SCCA Sunbelt National Tour, B Mod 1st Place
2011 SCCA Driver of the Year
2011 SCCA B Mod National Champion
2011 Pikes Peak AWD Time Attack Champion
2011Rally America Open Light Rally Central Region Champion
2011 SCCA Divisional, 1st Place
2011 Rallye de Paris, Open Light, 1st Place
2011 SCCA Houston National Tour BM 1st Place
2011 Trespassers Will, Open Light 1st Place
2011 100 Acre Wood, Open Light, 1st Place
2010 SCCA Solo National Championships, BM 2nd Place
2010 Pikes Peak Pro 750 MC 14:33.5 (another bad motor)
2009 SCCA Solo National Championships, BM 4th place
2009 Pikes Peak Pro 750 MC 14:31.338 (blew motor)
2009 SCCA BM Divisional Champion
2009 Texas Mile 200 MPH Club (motorcycle)
2008 SCCA Solo National Championships, BML National Champion
2008 Bonneville Speedweek MPSVBG500cc World Record
2008 SCCA Solo National Tour, Outstanding Driver
2007 Rally de Paris G2 2nd Place
2007 Baja 1000 Navigator Class 3 Truck
2007 SCCA Solo National Championships GSL, 2nd Place
2006 SCCA Solo National Championships GS, 2nd Place
06 SASCA PAX Champion, GS class Champion, Driver of the Year