Brians bicycle race to nowhere
On the 9th May 2018 I had a massive hemoradgic stroke, I was in hospital eight months four weeks in ICU Brighton ,, 8 weeks CCU Hastings , 5 weeks in Eastbourne Stroke ward then up to Putney Hospital for Neurodisabilities for 4 months.
I got back home to Hastings at the end of November 2019 . The first time I was back in the St Leonard pub was in a wheelchair, I now walk in with my stick! . This challenge , my row day , is very much part of my road to being Brian again and it hopefully will help me start to help others as I was helped along my journey.
I will be “rowing the channel “ 34km on 31st at the London Trader Pub from 1pm. There will be entertainment (live music) and beer of course ! please come and keep me company . I’m training hard twice a week to try and reach this challenge.
I’ve been going to the Avanti day centre for over a year now they are amazing , they help folks like me with a brain injury. I would be lost without them , Harry Holmes also went to Avanti for three years he is doing so well again I think this is due to the rehab received and the wonderful staff that they have who are passionate and enthusiastic in their aim to help improve the clients lives.
I also wanted to split the money raised 60/50 between AvantiABI and the Samaritans July the thirtieth outside the London trader exercise and rickshaw for my London to Brighton my way challenge of any money raised for the Samaritans to raise awareness of suicide in young men.
please give what you can
love you ,love Hastings
Brian McNeilly
Outside the London Trader pub , Hastings old town on the thirty first of July 1 pm