Brian’s heart journey
In December of 2018 my Dad Brian Stewart was at work, while there he ended up with Severe chest pain, he had to be rushed to the nearest hospital. After the Drs finished running there many tests they found that my Dads heart wasn't properly functioning he had an extremely high heart rate of 250-300 bpm and the function of his heart was very low.
He was diagnosed with chronic heart failure. In July of 2019 my Dads heart was worsening ,with more tests they determined it was now only functioning under 10%. The Drs decided that my Dad needed to have a pace maker and defibrillator Put in as his life depended on it, there was no other way to help at this time unfortunately. After they put the Machines In they are Actually what run his heart now, he is life dependent on them and it has taken a drastic toll on his way of life and ability to function on the daily Basis. He is unable to work and enjoy any physical activities that he used to do.
He’s had to sell so much because of how much the medication is and all the trips to the specialists and heart Drs in the city. The medication costs around $1300 a month and the trips are every two weeks or more, the fuel and hotels add up fast.
With my Dad not able to work the stress of normal bills and the added bills has been awful And he is having a really hard time making ends meet. I decided to make this go fund me page to help my Dad pay for his truck payments, mortgage payments, house hold bills, groceries, medical expenses etc.
This new way of life that is now my dads reality is hard enough with out the financial burden he is experiencing.
My Dad has went above and beyond over the years to give us kids my self and my brothers Casey and Aaron, everything he possibly could, we are helping him as much as we can right now but the financial part Is a lot for us to take on, we wish we could do more for him, We love our Dad so much. ❤️
it’s Been Really hard to watch your big strong Dad go from a full functioning hard working man to someone who struggles with just normal daily life activities.
Our goal is $25,000 To give my Dad some breathing space but any amount of money to help my dad and our family would be greatly appreciated thank you so much in advance to all.