Brid Winnies' 365 Day Walk for Charity
Donation protected
Dia daoibh,
Bríd Sweeney is ainm domh agus is as Dobhar mé ó dhúchas ach tá mé i mo chónaí i Loch an Iúir.
Tá mó chroí istigh ag siúl. Bím i gcónaí ag tabhairt aghaidhe ar dhúshlán agus bhí mé ag iarradh sprioc a leagan síos domh féin don bhliain amach romhainn. Theastaigh uaim airgead a bhailiú do charthanacht agus mar sin shocraigh mé teagmháil a dhéanamh le Ionad Naomh Pádraig mar go ndéanann siad an oiread sin ar son an phobal.
D'aontaigh mé tacú leis an togra luaite sa Go Fund Me Page mar go bhfuil sé pearsanta domh féin. Tá mo dhúshlán WALK 365 tosaithe agam cheana féin ón 1/01/2021. Tá leathanach Go Fund Me socraithe againn www.gofundme.com/f/Brid-Winnies-365-Day-Walk-for-Charity
Bheadh muid buíoch as do thacaíocht, beag nó mór.
Go raibh maith agat agus fan slán.
Faoi láthair tá Ionad Naomh Pádraig ag bailiú airgead chun píosa dealbhóireachta ealaíonta a chruthú.
Ba mhaith leo láthair machnaimh a fhorbairt inár bpobal, i ndíl chuimhne ar dhaoine óga a fuair bás agus orthu sin a cailleadh go tobann, tubaisteach i mbláth na hóige, fríd na blianta. Tearmann síochána, spioradálta agus foinse faoisimh agus sóláis do thuismitheoirí, chaomhnóirí, baill teaghlaigh agus cairde an aos óg, nach maireann ach i gcuimhne agus i gcroithe a muintir agus a bpobail.
Creideann siad go láidir go bhfuil géarghá le leithid de thearmann i gcroí lár ár bpobal. Láthair machnaimh le haird a dhíriú ar chúrsaí meabhair shláinte agus folláine. Áit suaimhnis agus scríste ó challán agus clampar na saoltaí seo ina maireann muid.
Go dtí seo tá € 3,000 bailithe ag Ionad Naomh Pádraig tríd an tarraingt 50/50.
Meastar go gcosnóidh costas iomlán an togra thart ar € 12,000. Beidh sceitse den tearmann dealbhóireachta seo ar fáil gan mhoill agus beidh deis ag an phobal láthair an togra a roghnú.
Hi Everyone,
My name is Bríd Sweeney and I’m a native of Dore but live in Loughanure. I have a great passion for walking and always up for a challenge so I set myself a goal for 2021.
I wanted to raise money for a charity so I decided to contact Ionad Naomh Padraig, Dobhar as they do so much for the community.
I agreed to support the project detailed in this Go Fund Me page www.gofundme.com/f/Brid-Winnies-365-Day-Walk-for-Charity as it is close to my heart and my challenge is to WALK 365 days and have already started my challenge on the 1/01/2021.
Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how big or small.
Thank you and stay safe.
Ionad Naomh Pádraig is in the process of raising funds to develop a sculpture creation.
Their plan is to develop a communal reflection space in the heart of our community, in loving memory of all our dear young people who, have died in the prime of their youth, and in remembrance of those who have died suddenly and tragically down through the years.
An oasis of peace, spirituality, comfort and solace for parents, guardians, family members and friends of our dear young people who live on in the hearts and memories of their loved ones and in that of the extended community.
They firmly believe that there is a deep need for such a focal point in the heart of our community. A place of tranquillity, rest and contemplation for inner-peace, amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A place to inspire and empower both young and old to focus on and care for their mental health and wellbeing.
To date Ionad Naomh Pádraig have raised €3,000 through the 50/50 draw.
The full cost of the project is estimated to cost about €12,000. A sketch of the project will be available shortly and a suitable location will be chosen by the community.
Bríd Sweeney is ainm domh agus is as Dobhar mé ó dhúchas ach tá mé i mo chónaí i Loch an Iúir.
Tá mó chroí istigh ag siúl. Bím i gcónaí ag tabhairt aghaidhe ar dhúshlán agus bhí mé ag iarradh sprioc a leagan síos domh féin don bhliain amach romhainn. Theastaigh uaim airgead a bhailiú do charthanacht agus mar sin shocraigh mé teagmháil a dhéanamh le Ionad Naomh Pádraig mar go ndéanann siad an oiread sin ar son an phobal.
D'aontaigh mé tacú leis an togra luaite sa Go Fund Me Page mar go bhfuil sé pearsanta domh féin. Tá mo dhúshlán WALK 365 tosaithe agam cheana féin ón 1/01/2021. Tá leathanach Go Fund Me socraithe againn www.gofundme.com/f/Brid-Winnies-365-Day-Walk-for-Charity
Bheadh muid buíoch as do thacaíocht, beag nó mór.
Go raibh maith agat agus fan slán.
Faoi láthair tá Ionad Naomh Pádraig ag bailiú airgead chun píosa dealbhóireachta ealaíonta a chruthú.
Ba mhaith leo láthair machnaimh a fhorbairt inár bpobal, i ndíl chuimhne ar dhaoine óga a fuair bás agus orthu sin a cailleadh go tobann, tubaisteach i mbláth na hóige, fríd na blianta. Tearmann síochána, spioradálta agus foinse faoisimh agus sóláis do thuismitheoirí, chaomhnóirí, baill teaghlaigh agus cairde an aos óg, nach maireann ach i gcuimhne agus i gcroithe a muintir agus a bpobail.
Creideann siad go láidir go bhfuil géarghá le leithid de thearmann i gcroí lár ár bpobal. Láthair machnaimh le haird a dhíriú ar chúrsaí meabhair shláinte agus folláine. Áit suaimhnis agus scríste ó challán agus clampar na saoltaí seo ina maireann muid.
Go dtí seo tá € 3,000 bailithe ag Ionad Naomh Pádraig tríd an tarraingt 50/50.
Meastar go gcosnóidh costas iomlán an togra thart ar € 12,000. Beidh sceitse den tearmann dealbhóireachta seo ar fáil gan mhoill agus beidh deis ag an phobal láthair an togra a roghnú.
Hi Everyone,
My name is Bríd Sweeney and I’m a native of Dore but live in Loughanure. I have a great passion for walking and always up for a challenge so I set myself a goal for 2021.
I wanted to raise money for a charity so I decided to contact Ionad Naomh Padraig, Dobhar as they do so much for the community.
I agreed to support the project detailed in this Go Fund Me page www.gofundme.com/f/Brid-Winnies-365-Day-Walk-for-Charity as it is close to my heart and my challenge is to WALK 365 days and have already started my challenge on the 1/01/2021.
Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how big or small.
Thank you and stay safe.
Ionad Naomh Pádraig is in the process of raising funds to develop a sculpture creation.
Their plan is to develop a communal reflection space in the heart of our community, in loving memory of all our dear young people who, have died in the prime of their youth, and in remembrance of those who have died suddenly and tragically down through the years.
An oasis of peace, spirituality, comfort and solace for parents, guardians, family members and friends of our dear young people who live on in the hearts and memories of their loved ones and in that of the extended community.
They firmly believe that there is a deep need for such a focal point in the heart of our community. A place of tranquillity, rest and contemplation for inner-peace, amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A place to inspire and empower both young and old to focus on and care for their mental health and wellbeing.
To date Ionad Naomh Pádraig have raised €3,000 through the 50/50 draw.
The full cost of the project is estimated to cost about €12,000. A sketch of the project will be available shortly and a suitable location will be chosen by the community.
Mary Coyle
County Donegal