Bright Shining Star
Claire Rebekah Rose was born sleeping on November 14, 2019. After having a perfectly healthy pregnancy with no complications, it was absolutely heart breaking to find out our baby girls heart stopped beating during my weekly OB appointment. This unimaginable and horrific experience is something that we wish no one would ever have to experience but sadly stillbirth, miscarriage, and infant death are more common than one would think.
The nurses and staff at the Women and Children's department at the hospital where Claire was delivered was so kind, compassionate and helped make our loss as bearable as they could. The hospital was able to provide mementos and a memory box full of items that we have come to cherish.
However one thing the hospital was unable to provide us with was more time with our little girl. Our local hospital does not have a Cuddle Cot, so our time with Claire was limited.
For many people who don't know, a Cuddle Cot is used to give more time to bereaved parents to spend with their deceased child. The Cuddle Cot will cool the babies body temperature down, so that parents are able to take more time with their child to bond, take pictures and what ever else they find necessary to deal with the loss of their child.
Our goal is raise money so we can donate a Cuddle Cot to the hospital our daughter was born at, so other families experiencing a loss can have as much time as possible with their baby.
If we could go back to the day Claire was born, we would want more time. Time to hold, love, bond, and cherish our beautiful daughter. We will never get this back, and we just hope that by raising the money for a cuddle cot, we would be able to give the gift of time, to grieving parents.
Below is a link the Cuddle Cot, that will be purchasing with the funds raised.
Jennifer, Andrew, Ella & Claire Foster.