Brighter Future
Donation protected
Thank you so much for taking time to come to our site. My name is Autumn Paige and together with my family we wish to raise money for flags for our community and yours!
On the morning of September 7th we heard that the 13 flags that were displayed for our fallen soldiers had been vandalized. Thank you to the man who respectfully removed them and disposed of them properly. We felt compelled to help put these flags back up for the dignity of our soldiers. We wanted to do the right thing. In honor of the 13 soldiers, we replaced the flags along the 91 fwy, Ivy street bridge. I felt so proud to "make America smile". We heard honks and cheers. People stopped to thank us and shake hands. One man even stopped to help! Strangers were coming together, as Americans do!! We ARE community!! One Nation Under GOD!! I told anyone that would listen about what I had done! I couldn't wait to tell all my friends at school!!
On the morning of September 8th my mom woke to a text that the flags had been put upside down. I was told this is a signal of distress. This made me a little sad when I went to school but my mom went to check on them. When she drove by the bridge, the flags were taken down. She had been in contact with Riverside PD and they were unsure of who had taken them. If they were taken down, we just wanted them back so we could given them to people who needed new ones. But, we didn't know who took them. We also learned that this happened in Rancho Cucamonga as well.
So, instead of being sad about it, we had to regroup and find another way to defeat the people who are doing these things. There is still good in America!! WE ARE THE FUTURE!!!! We would like to raise money to buy flags and all that is necessary to help replace worn flags in our community and yours!! If you or someone you know needs a new flag please send us a message. We would love to mail one out or drop one by!! Home Depot was generous enough to donate 13 flags to get us started!!
We have an initial goal of replacing 50 flags to get us started! We will keep count!! We will send a note with proper care and proper disposal instructions. No, we do not have ties to the military but we are raised with respect for those who serve! We know that our FREEDOM DOES NOT COME FREE!!!! If you have gotten this far and you have or do currently serve, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your service!!!
I would like the first flag to be sent the White House!! I just want to show them that GOD WINS and KINDNESS MATTERS!! You can't take down our flags without a come back! We wont be defeated!
Andrea Hargrove
Riverside, CA