Brighton Half Marathon- Raising Money for Prostate Cancer UK
Last year my Dad was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. This news came with so much shock and uncertainty, not helped by long waiting times for initial appointments. Cancer is such a scary word, especially as it is very prevalent in our society, and there are many untreatable cases. Luckily the cancer was discovered early on and it was treated before it had spread to other areas. Others have not been so lucky.
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of Prostate Cancer UK and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Prostate Cancer UK: Prostate Cancer UK is here to stop prostate cancer being a killer. One man dies from prostate cancer every hour in the UK and deaths from prostate cancer are set to soar over the next decade. By finding better tests, better treatments, better prevention, and better support we aim to dramatically reduce the number of men dying from prostate cancer.
Katie Wagstaff
Prostate Cancer UK