Bring Arthur Kaylor Laukon Home
Donation protected
Kissmorning aolep,
First and foremost, thank our Heavenly Father in heaven. Bless is He and us that He has gained another angel by His side. Latorkamotortor, teasingly and sometimes in exasperation, we called Arthur Kaylor Laukon. Or Lapmej. Our brother and friend, one of the cofounders of Kewan Jela, shouldering the fight for our rights and voice to be heard, passed away early morning of February 10, 2019 in Honolulu, Hawai'i.
Having flown from Majuro to Hawaii mid-January in order to be treated, yet, his cancer was too advanced to be treated and the doctors then instructed he be made comfortable. And so he spent his last days by the side of his daughter, Selina N. Leem, and brother Arthmen's family. With family by his side, he shed his last tears, expelled his last breath, and passed away peacefully. Throughout his last days he was still his stubborn self. Selina shares whenever she answered for him upon visits from the doctors, "I am disappointed. This is my life and you are taking my decisions from me." As she reads the comments pouring in from everyone, many commending him for standing up for them, pioneering and giving them the platform to share their voice and concerns and be heard. The very defining feature of what he meant Kewan Jela to be.
Khama shares of their time together in Arkansas for May Day: Khama was driving 75mph and Arthur commented "he was scared and wanted to slap me in the back of my head." Every time Khama had a question about the government, our manit; Arthur always had answers to his questions. Advising him to choose his battles carefully, when and what one is debating with another, sometimes randomly calls to check up on his family.
Smart and intelligent, "Marshallese King of Social Media," he was relentless and determined in his battles. Besides his political pursuits, on the side he fixed cellphones and laptops. He was honestly one of the finest technicians around and with affordable pricing that was enough to get him his desired betel-nut. He had a quick-wit with a fondness for posting overly cheesy but sometimes meaningful quotes on his Facebook page. He was a friend and mentor to many, no matter the social status. When he came out of his cave-like room for some respite under his pandanus tree on his hammock, he chatted with whomever walked by. He gave us so much.
As members of Kewan Jela, we would like to ask for your contribution in helping his family raise enough to bring Arthur back to our home, the Marshall Islands, where he may rest in peace. His family needs our help.
Komool elap,
Kewan Jela Admin.

First and foremost, thank our Heavenly Father in heaven. Bless is He and us that He has gained another angel by His side. Latorkamotortor, teasingly and sometimes in exasperation, we called Arthur Kaylor Laukon. Or Lapmej. Our brother and friend, one of the cofounders of Kewan Jela, shouldering the fight for our rights and voice to be heard, passed away early morning of February 10, 2019 in Honolulu, Hawai'i.
Having flown from Majuro to Hawaii mid-January in order to be treated, yet, his cancer was too advanced to be treated and the doctors then instructed he be made comfortable. And so he spent his last days by the side of his daughter, Selina N. Leem, and brother Arthmen's family. With family by his side, he shed his last tears, expelled his last breath, and passed away peacefully. Throughout his last days he was still his stubborn self. Selina shares whenever she answered for him upon visits from the doctors, "I am disappointed. This is my life and you are taking my decisions from me." As she reads the comments pouring in from everyone, many commending him for standing up for them, pioneering and giving them the platform to share their voice and concerns and be heard. The very defining feature of what he meant Kewan Jela to be.
Khama shares of their time together in Arkansas for May Day: Khama was driving 75mph and Arthur commented "he was scared and wanted to slap me in the back of my head." Every time Khama had a question about the government, our manit; Arthur always had answers to his questions. Advising him to choose his battles carefully, when and what one is debating with another, sometimes randomly calls to check up on his family.
Smart and intelligent, "Marshallese King of Social Media," he was relentless and determined in his battles. Besides his political pursuits, on the side he fixed cellphones and laptops. He was honestly one of the finest technicians around and with affordable pricing that was enough to get him his desired betel-nut. He had a quick-wit with a fondness for posting overly cheesy but sometimes meaningful quotes on his Facebook page. He was a friend and mentor to many, no matter the social status. When he came out of his cave-like room for some respite under his pandanus tree on his hammock, he chatted with whomever walked by. He gave us so much.
As members of Kewan Jela, we would like to ask for your contribution in helping his family raise enough to bring Arthur back to our home, the Marshall Islands, where he may rest in peace. His family needs our help.
Komool elap,
Kewan Jela Admin.

Kewan Jela
Honolulu, HI