Bring baby Alessio home!
Jerry, Cyrena and big sister Zara were thrilled to welcome sweet baby Alessio to their family in November 2019. Hours after his birth the family was shocked to learn that Alessio suffered from complex heart conditions requiring multiple life saving hospitalizations and surgeries.
Alessio is now 11 months old and has been at SickKids Hospital for 6 months, more than half his life. He has fought with unmatched strength and courage with the unwavering dedication of his parents by his side night and day. Now his care team needs help treating his complex condition and has decided to send him via air ambulance to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to consult with a specialist. The family is hopeful that the trip will provide the answers they so desperately need. Cyrena will travel on her own to Philadelphia to be close to her son for an unknown length of time, possibly 3 or more weeks.
Along with prayers and well wishes, please join me in providing donations to help cover the costs associated with this important trip, such as airfare and accommodations.
Please help me support our amazing friends, Jerry, Cyrena and big sister Zara, in their fight to get Alessio healthy and bring him home. Go Alessio go!