Bring Back Fountain Square Alley Murals!
This GoFundMe will go in its entirety to the participating artists to compensate them for their time and supplies. There will be no administrative fees beyond the percentage GoFundMe takes from all of its fundraisers (payment processing fee of 1.9% + $0.30 per donation.).
Each artist will get at a minimum of $1,000 for their mural. There will be more local artists announced in the very near future, under this arrangement. Funds may be allocated for group needs, such as a tall ladder to be shared, with any leftovers going to mural upkeep.
Alley painting will begin on Saturday, June 19th, and proceed in three stages, with stages 2 and 3 in the process of being finalized (this will be updated when those plans are final).
The initial list of participating artists:
Mike Graves (https://www.instagram.com/indyartistmikegraves)
Matthew Aaron (https://www.instagram.com/_matthew_aaron)
Kwazar Martin (https://www.instagram.com/kwazarmartin)
Margo Koontz (https://www.instagram.com/stumpedboot)
Mike Meares (https://www.instagram.com/mikemearesart)
Joy Hernandez (https://www.instagram.com/joythestampede)
Dane Smith (https://www.instagram.com/danesmith.jpg)
Dan “Handskillz” Thompson (https://www.instagram.com/invisible_hometown)
Thank you to everyone for their support and participation in this fundraiser. All donations are greatly appreciated by all parties involved.
Please scroll down to view some of the lost murals and the plan to replace them...
Cover Mural by (Dan Thompson) IG - @invisible_hometown

This past week, our beloved graffiti alley behind Square Cat had a large number of commissioned murals painted over. We are raising funds to repaint the building behind Square Cat with artwork and murals from both the artists who had their work painted over plus new artwork as well. The money raised will be used to compensate the artists for their work and materials necessary. The graffiti alley behind Square Cat has become a neighborhood and city landmark with its concentration of standout artwork. We want to restore that as soon as possible and help make it even better than before with even more artwork. We see our alley as an open air art gallery for the neighborhood and city.
Your funds will allow us to commission all the original artists from the building to do new pieces, add additional artwork from new artists, and explore the possibility of adding murals on other buildings in the alley. The alley was already a landmark and destination, and with your help we believe we can take it to another level. Fountain Square in many ways is the creative hub of the city, and we believe this alley can be a great example of that creative spirit.
All funds raised will go directly to the artists.