Bring Back Joie's Smile!
Tax deductible
Want to join me in helping a one-of-a-kind Being ? I'm raising money to benefit The Green One of Many Names, that they may regain their smile. As many know, they spent the plague dealing with cancer and the ensuing radiation and chemo. One of the lasting side effects from their radiation treatments is that almost all of their teeth fell out.
They've recently received the all-clear from the oncologist; they are now cancer-free, and feeling mostly recovered. Now it's time to start the dental repair process.
They have about ⅔ of the money needed to get a new set of chompers, but still need about $4000 to make it happen. (We are asking $4200 to cover fees, etc.)
Isn't it fun that this is how we have to get dental care? Teeth aren't part of "health care" for reasons unbeknownst to us all. What fun!
So - please join me in rallying together to make sure this wondrous longstanding member of our community is able to chomp with gusto and smile without hesitation!
Are you in? Tell me you're in!
These donations are happening through the Holy Order of the Epicene, a subsidiary of The Fellowship of the Spiral Path. The Fellowship of the Spiral Path (also known as "Spiral") is a non-profit religious corporation registered under the laws of the State of California.
Fundraising team (2)
Sharon Knight
Oakland, CA
Fellowship of the Spiral Path
bon vivant de verte
Team member