Drought Insurance Australian Livestock & Farmers!
Dear Fellow Australians,
In Australia you cannot insure Cattle for Drought on the ‘mainstream’ Australian insurance market.
I left full time employment in February 2019 to endeavour to assist in facilitating the formation of a mechanism that would enable Australian Farmers to be able to insure their cattle for loss due to drought within the mainstream Australia insurance market.
Donations will cover operating expenses including however not limited to I.T., printing, design work and travel expenses as to date this has been a self funded initiative that has incurred expenses in excess of $100,000.
Cattle are responsible for much the milk and red meat we enjoy daily and also play a role in several vital medicines for humans - please click the following link to view: Human products from Cattle
Please share this 'GoFundme' link with as many people as you can.
All donations will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you :)
#livestockdroughtinsurance #AustralianDroughtInsurance #AustralianLivestock #AustralianFarmers
Our ethos:
The dedicated website to this pursuit is: www.obaconsulting.com.au