Bring Fallen Worker Denis Geovani Ba Che Home
Donation protected
Our hearts are filled with agony from the sudden, tragic passing of Denis while working on the roof of Glencliff`s Gymnasium on October 12, 2023. Denis was 20 years old and had his entire life ahead of him. He could have easily gone to Glencliff High School a couple of years ago. Denis, like many Sons and Daughters, was a light of hope and a promise of a better tomorrow for his family and this world. Many got to see the light and feel the warmth that radiated from Denis as he was very active both in his village in Guatemala and in his everyday life.
As If it wasn't enough losing Denis, his family in Guatemala relied heavily on his financial contribution from his work in the States. Compounding their inconsolable grief, Denis’s family are now facing incredibly uncertain times, along with major debts and unexpected expenses stemming from their loved one’s untimely death. The goal of this fundraiser is to cover the costs of returning Denis to his family in Guatemala, as well as funeral and burial expenses. Any additional funds raised beyond the goal amount will go directly to the family.
For those of us who can relate to losing a loved one and have watched our loved ones and ourselves come together to weather a horrendous storm, we plead on behalf of Denis Geovani Ba Che and his family for any support that you may be able to give through this GoFundMe.
Thank you so much, and please love your loved ones a little harder today.
Nuestros corazones están llenos de dolor por el repentino y trágico fallecimiento de Denis Giovani Ba Che mientras trabajaba en el techo del gimnasio de la escuela secundaria Glencliff el día 12 de octubre de 2023.
Denis tenía 20 años y toda su vida por delante. Fácilmente podría haber asistido a esta escuela hace un par de años. Denis, como muchos hijos e hijas, era una luz de esperanza y una promesa de un mejor mañana para su familia. Muchos pudieron ver el brillo y sentir la calidez que irradiaba Denis, él era un joven muy activo en su pueblo en Guatemala y su vida cotidiana.
Como si no fuera suficiente la pérdida de un hijo, para agravar el dolor de la familia, ahora se enfrentan a tiempos increíblemente inciertos, ya que dependían económicamente de Denis. Esta pérdida dejó una deuda importante derivada de una época problemática en sus vidas.
Ahora le pedimos a todos ustedes que pueden identificarse con la pérdida de un ser querido y han visto a sus seres queridos unirse para sobrellevar una horrible calamidad, que nos unamos junto con la familia de Denis Giovani Ba Che y podamos apoyar financieramente por medio de este GoFundMe.
Muchas gracias por su atención y donación. Recuerden amar a sus familias un poco más este día.
William Cardenas
Nashville, TN