Bring Firearm Education to American Communities
Donation protected
Have you ever looked into what firearm education your community offers? Is there anything outside of hunter safety classes? Is it affordable? Is it nearby? Is it inclusive? As a queer person of color, I can say for many communities, including my own, the answer to these questions is “no.” If classes are offered, they are usually focused solely on self defense or tactical style instruction for exorbitant prices. The increasingly large impact of firearms, both in presence and conversation, in our communities means we need formal structured classes that help people understand how to use, be responsible for, and discuss firearms.The majority of for-profit classes are affiliated with organizations that have a culture that historically excludes marginalized peoples. Every person and community in America deserves to have easy access to affordable firearm education in a safe, inclusive environment.
In 2020, my eyes were opened to the despairing state of firearm education in our country. During the pandemic and civil unrest that gripped America, I had friends, family, co-workers, and strangers begin to reach out to me with questions about buying their first firearm, learning how to shoot, and how to responsibly store firearms. I care deeply about the people in my life and community, so I obliged anyone who needed help. After teaching them what I could, I looked to hand them off to structured classes or a more experienced instructor, but found no classes in my community that I could, in good conscience, recommend. I decided to take it upon myself to provide my community with resources and its first free firearm education classroom.
I started a table at the Dane County Farmers’ Market in 2022, engaging with thousands of people from every walk of life and addressing their questions about firearm safety, their rights, and how to get educated. In addition, I began teaching my first firearm safety class in Madison, Wisconsin, at no cost to my students. My goal has been to provide firearm education that is inclusive to all ages, races, genders, sexualities, and religions. This past year I’ve been able to offer over 30 free classes in Madison. My classroom is not a firing lane at a gun range, it’s a real classroom setting where students can hear important facts about firearms, ask questions, take notes, and handle real examples in a completely safe setting. With the help of a few donations and volunteers, I’ve been able to make it this far. However, to continue and expand the class, we need additional funding to rent a more accessible space, provide educational materials, and teach classes on a more regular basis.
I am founding a not-for-profit organization and filing for educational nonprofit status. I aim to pilot new course material based on my and other instructors’ expertise to develop a standardized curriculum, and establish additional classrooms in other American communities. Americans own the most firearms per capita in the world, but do not have reliable, consistent, firearm education that is affordable and inclusive. Over the last 20 years we have seen a consistent rise in background checks, firearm sales, and new gun owners. Given that more Americans than ever own firearms, access to barrier-free education is of the utmost importance.
Outside of the classroom, I have been advocating to news outlets, local leaders, and community members about the stigma around talking about firearms. You can read, listen, and watch my message in the links below where I’ve been featured in local and national media.
Isthmus July Cover Story: Time to get a gun
City Cast Madison: There Are More Guns in Madison Than You Think
I encourage those who own firearms to learn more about what they own and how to be a responsible owner. With help I have been able to give out free firearm locks to over 100 households within our community to spread our message of responsible gun ownership. I have also sourced locks on my own and out of my own pocket both locally and by reaching out to people across America to help my community practice safe storage.
Outside of teaching hundreds of students, I’ve developed skills in my professional career through project management and business roles that have made me a capable leader of my firearm education initiative. I will apply my strong financial acumen to appropriately and strategically utilize your donations. I am confident in my abilities to cultivate a curriculum that can be distributed to other instructors. As I have done for hundreds of firearm lessons, this curriculum will help others to better maintain a safe and effective learning environment.
Education is the most powerful tool in firearm harm reduction. From safe storage in the home, to mental health crises in teenagers and veterans, we look to destigmatize the conversation about firearms. Communities should be knowledgeable when making decisions for their homes and while voting. Your donation will deliver consistent, high-quality firearm education, safety, and responsibility. I hope to expand to offering safe storage for those who need it due to mental health, lifestyle changes, or other reasons. I will work first in the Madison community and then expand to other cities. Help me spearhead American firearm education to empower our citizens with responsible gun ownership. I’ve started in Madison, WI, but I hope to open classrooms across America by 2030. With your help, we can make a change and move our nation forward.
Thank you,
Blake Alvarenga (He/Him)
Certified and Insured Firearms Instructor
Isthmus July Cover Story: Read it here
City Cast Madison: Listen to it here
Vice Debates: Watch it here
Blake Alvarenga
Madison, WI