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" Let's bring Matty home" RIP

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Matthew Taylor was a beautiful soul and like most people made a few silly minor mistakes where our Australian government felt the need to deport him to a place he knew nothing of ... he felt lost and scared ! He fought a long battle to be brought home to his family his mother, sisters, brothers, his son and all his friends who missed him dearly however he lost this battle! He was told he would never be able enter the Australian waters again ! He was shattered ! His life felt incomplete his exact words were " I feel numb" ! Sadly Matty felt he had no choice but to leave this world as everyone one he loved, the life he always knew was stripped from him !
His family and friends are completely devastated !! Heartbroken that his life had to end this way angry at the way he was treated but most of all we want to finally bring Matty home :(
All donations big or small will help go towards bringing Matthew home.


  • Aunty Janet
    • $40 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Kylie Marie
Cranebrook, NSW

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