Bring Mike Saxton to Bar Harbor!
Hello MDI & surrounding area communities!
Many of us had been recently tracking the harrowing delivery journey of a new MRI building through our great state of Maine to MDI Hospital. After nearly two weeks on the road, many many twists and turns (quite literally!), plenty of snafus, and what I can only imagine to be one heck of a stressful ride, Trans United driver Mike Saxton and team arrived safely at the Bar Harbor ball field in the early evening of July 15th.
An outpouring of community support was shown on our various local social media platforms, as well as along the route itself. During the busiest time on our Island, when there are already many frustrations and hold ups, the locals and many visitors alike showed patience, encouragement and grace as traffic creeped, got re-routed and plans we’re changed. Mike had expressed his appreciation as he navigated some of the east coasts most difficult terrain, noting he is generally met with annoyance from the community, rather than appreciation.
Bravo to our community for stepping up when the going gets rough
But why stop at that?? This journey was SO impressive, SO above and beyond the ordinary call of duty, that many have said “Let’s bring Mike back under different circumstances! Let’s show him what MDI is all about, besides nail-biting hair pin turns! Let’s get him here for a proper vacation!”
So whaddya say? Many hands make light work! Are you able to chip in a few dollars for Mike Saxton, the driver who did the impossible, to come back to our gorgeous island to relax?