Bring OGIE Home
Hey! How can you help? PLEASE HELP by sharing and spreading awareness that this kind of thing is happening? So many Because so many people have been AMAZING and have reached out to ask how they can help with court costs, I’m starting this Go Fund Me page for OGIE. To be clear, my brother and his wife are in NO WAY using this as a way to benefit financially. However, because of the outpouring of support from the community, other rescue facilities, and breeders, we figures this may be the easiest way for them to help. Here is a little of Ogie’s story in case you are interested and want to help!
A golden retriever belonging to Jeremy and Kristal Butts escaped on Christmas - he is a master at figuring out how to get out of the backyard fence. He was hit by a car and picked up by animal control, taken to PAWS (the local shelter) and a vet, then released to a rescue facility in myrtle beach -
Grand Strand Golden Retriever Rescue - all
within 2 days before my brother could find out where he was and get him. Over a month later he still can’t get his dog back and the “rescue” place has made up so many lies They’ve been lying about vet costs and asking for hundreds of dollars in donations for him. The owners of the dog, Jeremy and Kristal, have offered to pay the vet fees and bring him home to his family to recuperate, but the rescue refuses to even discuss it. They will not even speak with the owners of the dog
A court date was scheduled for 2/6/20, so Jeremy and Kristal made another 5 hour trip to myrtle beach, hoping to bring OGIE home. However, the rescue facility requested a jury trial now, so the trip was for nothing. They set a new court date for May and the rescue facility still has OGIE until that date.
This animal control stuff in anderson county is out of control. Dogs get out in the country, unfortunately sometimes things happen and they are injured. He should NEVER have ended up 5 hours away with a facility refusing to release him.
Jeremy and Kristal are seeking more extensive legal action in the case to bring OGIE home, but as weall know, lawyer fees are not inexpensive.
What we have learned in this process-make sure your animal has a microchip. If you or anyone you know EVER has their dog picked up by animal control and it is sent to a rescue facility before you have a chance to pick it up, DO NOT back down. Do not let them convince you they know what is best for the pet.
This most certainly DOES NOT APPLY to all rescue facilities, but make sure you do your research if you use one. There are many rescues that have connections with shelters and animal control workers, these workers a lot of times think they are helping the animals. In some cases, they are not acting in the best interest of the pets
PLEASE, help prevent this from happening to others by spreading this story. So many others have come forward saying this kind of thing happened to them as well.