Raquel's Medi-transport Home!
My best friend Raquel took a trip to vietnam this spring. She met up with some friends there, but spent the last little while travelling on her own. Unfortunately she got into a bike accident and broke her spine and her pelvis in two places. Unable to move, she was by herself in Da Nang Hospital. The travel insurance she purchased will not cover the accident.
She is home now but needed special medical transportation in order to get back to Toronto. Her parents found a company called International SOS Worldwide Reach Human Touch. This included special air transport for multiple transfers, ambulance transportation, and an in flight nurse. The US amount is $32,500 which is $43,316 CAD. Obviously this is a huge amount so ANYTHING you can contribute to help her parents would be amazing. This price does not include the hospital bills she had in vietnam. For this purpose I'm setting the goal at $50,000.
I've put her mother Heather Christensen as the recipient of the donations and I will do my best to update any information I can.
Thank you so much in advance for your support!