Send Ron Paul to OKC for the '22 OKLP Convention
Hi, I'm Kalon Wiggins. I'm the Vice Chair of the Oklahoma Libertarian Party. I'm also Chair of the OKLP's Convention Committee. Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the OKLP. The 2022 OKLP convention is already going to be the biggest libertarian event in the history of the state.
But do you know what would make it even better? Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the greatest libertarian hero alive today. Unfortunately, he’s 86 years old, so there aren't going to be many more chances to do something like this. I want to bring Ron Paul to Oklahoma City to speak at the 2022 OKLP Convention, February 25th-27th. I need your help to do that. I'm asking you for your donations to help bring Ron Paul to OKC.
Ron Paul has a pretty steep speaking fee, which is fine. He's earned it. He also no longer flies commercial, so we're going to need a pretty good chunk of change to pull this off.
We also need a private plane to fly him from Houston to OKC. There's got to be a pilot in south Texas who owns a plane and loves Ron Paul, right? Would you like to be a hero? Call me.
I am also willing to pick up Ron Paul in my car and drive the whole way, but that's up to him.
If Ron Paul is unable to come, I will refund everyone's money.
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You can support the OKLP by donating or joining (even if you live outside Oklahoma). Thanks!