Bring RQ to Frosty Faustings XV!
Donation protected
Hi! I am raising funds to fly RQ out to Frosty Faustings XV from Feb 2-5 in Lombard, IL. RQ is a strong and active player across multiple fighting games, notably Granblue Fantasy Versus (GBVS) and Melty Blood: Type Lumina (MBTL). Aside from being strong in these games, RQ is also an important community member with many contributions outside of just playing.
RQ was essential in building relations between the NA and JP GBVS scenes, being one of the first Japanese players to join the NAPC discord, inviting other players and coordinating scheduled matches between NA and JP players. Thanks to his efforts, we were able to build a strong relationship with many Japanese players which led to many other positive interactions between the communities, such as the NA vs World 10v10 at EVO and EVO grand finalist Tororo posting kirby feet emojis on discord.
In MBTL, RQ has contributed to learning resources in Japanese for new players and providing a lot of footage by streaming a variety of characters. RQ also won KGP2022 in MBTL. Because Frosty overlaps with RQ’s winter vacation, it’s an excellent opportunity for him to experience international competition and meet the many friends he’s made in the community.
Because RQ is a university student and the Yen has fallen significantly, it would be an enormous help if we could get donations to help bring RQ out. Any amount helps, even if it’s just sharing. $2,500 should cover RQ’s registration, flight and hotel. Any amount past that will go towards other costs such as transportation and food. If we reach the goal, I will also personally make sure that RQ gets to try Malort.
For transparency, I (Shuaboo) will collect these funds and wire them to RQ as GoFundMe does not support paying out to Japan. Please donate if you can, and share if not! RQ being able to come to Frosty would be a fantastic experience for him and improve the quality of the already amazing event.
Thank you!
こんにちは!2月2日から5日までイリノイ州ロンバードで開催されるFrosty Faustings XVにRQさんを招待するため、クラウドファンディングを行います。RQさんは、Granblue Fantasy: Versus(GBVS)やMELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA(MBTL)、複数の格闘ゲームにおいて活躍しているプレイヤーです。また、RQさんはプレイ以外でも多くの貢献をする重要なコミュニティメンバーです。
RQさんは、NAPCディスコードの初日本人メンバーになり、他のプレイヤーを招待したり、NAとJPのプレイヤー間の対戦を調整したりして、NAとJPのGBVSシーン間の関係構築に不可欠でした。彼の努力により、多くの日本人プレイヤーと強い関係を築くことができ、EVOでのNA vs World 10v10 やEVOグランドファイナリストとろろさんによるディスコードでの足カービーの絵文字投稿など、コミュニティ間のポジティブな交流が多く見られました。
GoFundMeは直接日本への送金を対応していないため、透明性を保つために、私(Shuaboo)がこれらの募金を集め、RQに送金します。もし可能であれば寄付を、そうでなければシェアをお願いします。 RQがFrostyに来ることができれば、彼にとって良い経験となり、イベントの質をさらに高めることができます。
Jerry Shu
Walnut, CA