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Help bring Duke, Jake & Sammy Home... Mini Therapy Horses


Welcome to Operation Therapy a 501c3 Charitable Organization located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee. We are asking for you help by volunteering, sponsoring, and donating to Operation Homecoming. We have been blessed with an amazing donation to the organization, let me introduce you to Sam, Duke and Jake. But before they can come live at OT's headquarters we need to make sure they have a safe place to call home. We are raising money to build a barn and install proper fencing so the 3 amigos can be moved from Nashville Tennessee to Bybee Tennessee here at Heritage Holler, OT's Headquarters.

These miniature horses are highly trained service animals that can be in parades, attend meet-n-greets i.e. hospitals, schools, and convalescent homes. We hope to see a positive impact in the local community, especially with our Military Veterans and kids.

You can read more on Operation Therapy's website under HQ. There are several phases that need to be completed before Sam, Duke and Jake can move in. So please find it in your heart to donate, volunteer or sponsor this amazing cause.

You can make a difference by donating today to Operation Homecoming. Operation Therapy is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization located in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains here in East Tennessee. Our mission is to give safe refuge for the animals and help Military Veterans by offering team building and mentorship. The Animals here at Heritage Holler play a huge role for our Veterans associated with Operation Therapy. The Animal Sanctuary gives positive energy and most importantly PURPOSE to our Military Veterans and their families.

Please check out our other amazing programs we offer to Veterans and Animals. Operation Best Friends - We rescue animals from the local shelters, train and pair with a Military Veteran needing a Best Friend. Operation Old Glory - Is another amazing program where we offer new American flags and Military Insignia Flags for Military Veterans.

Donaciones (3)

  • Melissa Hobday
    • $200
    • 2 mos
  • Davina Jones
    • $500
    • 9 mos
  • Anónimo
    • $40
    • 9 mos
Sé uno de los primeros en colaborar

Tu donación es importante



Dallas Short
Steele Island, TN
Operation Therapy

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