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Bringing Jeffra & Kids to WA

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My sister Jeffra Payne and her two kids, Cole and Naomi are in great need of help to pay for attorney costs to cover an upcoming family court Relocation Hearing. This hearing will hopefully grant Jeffra the ability to bring her and her children to WA state, where she has family and friends able to assist her health-wise and give her mental peace. Jeffra has been battling Multiple Sclerosis and with a pending painful divorce there is just no more funds available.

This support means so much to me, Jeffra's family and friends. I have witnessed her challenges and strength these last few years from afar. It breaks my heart to see this caring, beautiful woman and mother struggle every single day.

To be able to have Jeffra, Cole and Naomi with us in WA state would mean the world to us all.  Thank you all so much for your love, prayers and support.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Candace Larned
Olympia, WA

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