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My name is Ronald Laura, and I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin; father of a minor child name Legend Laura. I am asking for your support as my son Legend Laura was wrongfully removed from Wisconsin. Unfortunately, I can not afford legal representation and have been representing myself Pro Se. With your help from donations, Ronald Laura will be able to retain legal representation and travel expenses to Illinois to help bring Legend Laura back to Wisconsin to be in the care of his parents.
Legend Laura was born November 20, 2021, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and resided with his mother and father in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On December 6, 2021, his mother was arrested for domestic violence, and I am the victim. On December 7, 2021, I paid for a private genetic test for my son and me. I asked my son's mother's aunt if she could babysit my son for me over the weekend so I could work. This is an aunt I know about because of her babysitting for the mother of my child.
On December 8, 2021, I went to the Milwaukee Child Support Office as the alleged father of the minor child to establish paternity(Parentage) in a child custody court proceeding with Milwaukee County Family Court under federal regulations. On December 8, I received a phone call from Milwaukee County Child Protective Services (DCFS) regarding the mother's arrest. Notifying me that they were starting an initial investigation regarding domestic violence regarding the mother's arrest. I advised them of my son's whereabouts, informing them that he would be with his mother's family as I had to work on December 9th. I was to meet with DCFS on December 9, 2021, but the appointment was canceled due to Legend Laura being with his great aunt. DCFS continued its initial investigation.
On December 9, 2021, I met my son's great aunt at a McDonald's in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, to bring Legend to her. On December 10, 2021, I received private genetic test results proving me to be Legend Laura's father. I provided my family and known family of mother of Minor family to include this great aunt.
DCFS placed Legend Laura with his great aunt as a temporary protective plan pending the initial investigation. The investigation was about the mother, not the father. On January 6, 2022, DCFS contacted me to notify me of their decision to end the protective plan and that they would be placing Legend with his maternal grandmother because at the time father was not adjudicated as the father of the Minor child. Upon DCFS contacting his great aunt to notify her they were ending the protective plan and that she needed to return Legend Laura to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She initially advised DCFS that she had legal guardianship (filed December 10, 2021) of Legend Laura. DCFS then notified me of this as I had never received any notice of this matter in Lake County Probate Court. I applied to establish paternity (Parentage) at Milwaukee County Family Court, not Lake County Probate Court.
On January 7, 2022, there was a guardianship court proceeding in Judge Elizabeth Rochford's Courtroom. I did attend without notice, solely to give information to Lake County Probate Court that I am the father of Legend Laura, as I knew the mother was currently incarcerated and available to appear at this court proceeding that she was never given the notice to emerge about the DCFS investigation and DCFS notifying me of the court proceeding just the day before, notifying Lake County Probate Court that I object to this temporary guardianship. Judge Elizabeth stated that she would adjourn the hearing to give the father time to establish paternity as there is more to this case than what was initially told.
This case has continued and is still proceeding. On August 26. 2022 I filed a motion to pursue criminal charges against the temporary guardian for perjury, providing clear and convincing evidence under Section 1-109 of the code of civil procedures to Judge Elizabeth in regards to the perjury on the petition for appointment of a guardian of Minor that has created this tragedy of wrongfully removing a minor child from another state a child abduction. Judge Elizabeth Rochford dismissed this motion stating it's not her job to pursue criminal charges in her courtroom. That's the career of the state attorney and criminal court. I also filed a motion to question further jurisdiction under the UCCJEA, a Federal Act and State Law of Illinois, as Lake County has no authority to proceed in this case as Wisconsin is the home state for the child that has jurisdictional priority to make the initial child custody determination for Legend Laura.
I provided all statutory authority under the UCCJEA regarding this case matter within my motion and all responses filed with Lake County Probate Division. Giving Judge Elizabeth Rochford the statutory authority to discharge guardianship under the UCCJEA. On October 21, 2022, Judge Elizabeth Rochford failed her statutory obligation to remove the guardian. I provided all evidence to this court under SECTION 201,108,205,207,208 OF THE UCCJEA. All requirements are needed for a court to proceed with any child custody proceeding, as the UCCJEA is the only child custody jurisdictional law in the State of Illinois.
Great aunt and Attorney stated, "Wisconsin had declined jurisdiction, pointing out the court order from Wisconsin." The statement was Under Section 201, which is not a decline of jurisdiction under the UCCJEA. Sections 207 and 208 of the UCCJEA are the only section for a court to decline jurisdiction. I provided Judge Elizabeth Rochford this in my response to great aunt and her attorney's sur-response to further question jurisdiction; I also stated this out loud in the Courtroom during the proceeding to Judge Elizabeth Rochford. Judge Elizabeth.
Lake County Probate Division has never received any service of proof of great aunt's petition of appointment of a guardian of a minor there is no proof on this file. No notice of petition of appointment of a guardian of the Minor was given to parents and nearest relative of the minor under Sections 108 and 205 of the UCCJEA. Parents never agreed to this guardianship. Great aunt provided false information under Section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedures. I offered this to Judge Elizabeth Rochford in my motion and responses; I also stated this out loud during a court proceeding with Judge Elizabeth Rochford.
Judge Elizabeth Rochford has adjourned this case until December 9, 2022, exactly one year since the original petition was filed. Judge Elizabeth failed her statutory authority to discharge temporary guardianship of Minor and her statutory duty to withhold a fair court proceeding in her Courtroom that abides by the law. Under Sections 108 and 205 of the UCCJEA, this temporary guardianship is not enforceable. But Judge Elizabeth fails to comply with that as she continues to force an enforceable temporary guardianship.
Judge Elizabeth seems not to understand the laws she shall abide by during court proceedings within her Courtroom. Looks as if she has excellent relations with attorneys as a person such as myself appearing Pro Se gets no justice in her Courtroom. Judge Elizabeth signs off on court orders created by an attorney that consist of information not heard in the Courtroom or through motion violating due process to be heard of myself to object due to her failure to review the actual statements within the court order thoroughly.
Judge Elizabeth Rochford shall be investigated as there is another child from Wisconsin that is the sister of Legend Laura, whom Judge Elizabeth Rochford gave the same great aunt plenary guardianship of even though, at the time child was residing with her mother and me, a person acting as a father for the child since the child has no father. I was the father of another child from the mother and in a relationship with the mother. Judge Elizabeth Rochford does not abide by the laws of the State of Illinois.
Judge Elizabeth Rochford's courtroom is of injustice and doubt of the judicial process. As a victim of her courtroom, I continue to fight to bring my son home Pro Se after Judge Elizabeth Rochford and attorney Gretchen Neddenriep continue to aid and abet a child abduction in which the child was wrongfully removed and retained in the State of Illinois through the use of Judge Elizabeth Rochford Statutory authority granting an unlawful petition for appointment of a guardian of minor without notice being given to parent and nearest relatives, petition provided false information regarding parent. Judge Elizabeth Rochford was notified on multiple occasions about this.
Judge Elizabeth Rochford has been unfair and clearly shows that it is ok for a person to abduct a child from another state and come to her courtroom to gain guardianship so you can legally have a child in your custody, violating the parents' rights.
Thank you in advance for your donations as we continue to pray that Legend Laura comes back home soon!!!
Ronald Laura
Milwaukee, WI