Bristol's MLK39: Diversity & Equity Tour
Tax deductible
RiseUP for Arts is partnering with Bristol's Department of Parks, Recreation, Youth and Community Services, local businesses, organizations, and community members in Bristol, CT to create a large-scale public art mural that will celebrate the diversity and cultures of the community and highlight the messages of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The mural in Bristol is part of RiseUP's state-wide mural tour to paint 39 MLK themed community murals across Connecticut, one for every year of MLK's life.
Our goal is to raise $15,000 to complete the mural. The budget includes opportunities for the community be engaged, a reveal celebration ceremony, community conversation that build more inclusive communities, and the cost of professional artist and materials/supplies to complete the mural.
Each MLK Mural is inspired by the community and we encourage you to complete the mural design survey: https://forms.gle/nXWdwhREZgEeySHr7
The team is still determining the final lead and emerging artists that will be painting the mural but it will be painted by an experienced Connecticut based artist of color.
Sample Previous MLK39 Murals in Connecticut:
West Hartford:
Learn more about Bristol Arts & Culture Commission:

Learn more about RiseUP for Arts & the State-wide MLK39 Mural Tour:

The RiseUP Group, Inc