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Brittany Alyse Mayhew Lasley Medical Trust

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Brittany Alyse Mayhew Lasley Medical Trust

Celebrating Life!

A smile is worth a thousand words and our girl’s “SMILE” is uplifting, contagious, inspiring, but at times misleading.  What is behind that smile?

Brittany is definitely a miracle!  God is the great physician giving the miracle of life to Brittany.  When asked, “How are you doing Brittany?”  The first and most oblivious response from Brittany is her bright smile, followed by the words, “fine” or “OK”.  But as Brittany grows older, her medical needs grow in necessity and expense.  Brittany’s fatigue is more notable and her physical appearance is a giveaway.  The increased fluid in her body, especially neck and face add, to her discomfort and possible congestive heart failure issues.  For an individual with a congenital heart defect, these issues may lead to additional completions. 

As parents, we never stop worrying about our children, no matter how old they are.  With Brittany, our worries include affordable appropriate healthcare, medications, necessary services/procedures and supplies.  Brittany does not qualify for disability funding of any kind.  The fact that she is married and Damon makes barely over the threshold, they must cover 100% of medical expenses not covered by insurance.  Due to Brittany’s deteriorating medical condition, she can no longer work to help with the cost of her monthly medications

Chris and I (dad and mom) turn 65 between Nov. 30th and Jan. 5th.  To celebrate our 65th birthdays, we are establishing a “GO FUND ME” page to raise $6500.  The funds will be deposited in a medical trust fund established 2 years ago for Brittany’s medical expenses - The Brittany Alyse Mayhew-Lasley Medical Trust at The Cecilian Bank in Hardin County.  With the help of family and friends, our hope is to meet our goal of $6500 by Brittany’s 34th birthday on February 2. 

We continue to appreciate the contributions to this account and we are especially grateful for the continued prayers, love and support.  Brittany’s positive attitude and love for life is an inspiration for us all. 

We thank you in advance for your financial and spiritual support for our Brittany!

Brief narrative of Brittany’s life:

God put the greatest challenge in our hands over 33 years ago with the birth of a congenital heart baby.  Months of hospital stays, numerous heart catheterizations and surgeries filled our lives.  Extreme complications during open heart surgeries turned the original journey into a nightmare.  Brittany has faced many medical firsts.  The first toddler inpatient at Frazier Rehab was a learning experience in a multitude of ways.  Brittany experienced oxygen deprivation after 1 of 4 open heart surgeries when she was 2 ½ years old.  These open heart surgeries took place within a 48-hour period of time.  All developmental and physical abilities were gone and rehab began to pray Brittany’s visual, mental and physical abilities would return.  In addition, Brittany’s heart was even more complex than at birth and the correction became only a compensated heart.    

Years of treatment have brought us to this point in Brittany’s journey.  The many lessons we have experienced over the years continue to grow as does the financial strain for Brittany. 

The last several years have been extremely challenging for Brittany.  Her physical abilities have decrease tremendously.  Hospitalizations are too numerous to count.  Brittany continues with procedures to improve problematic areas of the heart.  Brittany’s heart is not viable to withstand many procedures available for advanced compensation.   

Due to the complexity of the heart and the lengthy cauterizations, some nerve and muscular damage has occurred due to necessary positioning of her arms and shoulders during multiple 5 -10 hour procedures.   In January 2020, Brittany suffered a mild stroke in the same arm and hand all effected from damage.  Brittany continues physical therapy to regain feeling and strength in the arm and hand. 

Medications are numerous and unfortunately extremely expensive.  In addition to the expense of medications they come with various side effects.  One of the necessary heart medications attacked Brittany’s thyroid gland and unfortunately the thyroid was removed due to the extensive reaction.

Atrial fibrillation became an increasing issue for Brittany’s heart.  A number of treatments for this conditions were attempted but over time it was evident these solutions were not going to control the situation.  The extreme elevated heart rate needed a pace making devise to slow and regulate level her heart rate.  The pacemaker was placed during open heart surgery August 2018.  The surgery was successful but the pacemaker alone could not control the misfiring of Brittany’s upper heart chambers, throwing the pacemaker off track.  The next procedure necessary to regulate Brittany’s rhythm involved performing a heart ablation of the AV node.  This ablation stopped the upper chambers of the heart from talking to the lower chambers of the heart and hopefully would eliminate the atrial fibrillation and allow the pacemaker to do its job. 

Ways to compensate Brittany’s heart are always in the forefront of our cardiologists minds.  As new complexations develop, so to possible treatment and/or procedures.    

Please continue to keep our sweet girl in your hearts and share a SMILE with those you greet.  It could make a difference in their day and yours too.

Our hearts continue to over flow!


  • Laura Yates
    • 50 $
    • 4 Jahre
  • Natasha Mackey
    • 50 $
    • 4 Jahre
  • Kimberly Skaff
    • 100 $
    • 4 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 200 $
    • 4 Jahre
  • Sandi Edwards
    • 50 $
    • 4 Jahre


Patti & Chris Mayhew
Vine Grove, KY

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