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Brodie’s Hero Arm Fund

Brodie is 7 years old, and was born with 1 hand. We found out on his 20 week scan, with no medical explanation.
Whilst we had time to prepare ourselves for this, it was a very hard and traumatic time, especially as he was our first born, with no idea what issues or struggles may arise as he goes through life.

 Brodie has always thrived astonished us with his motivation and drive to do things on his own and find his own way of doing things with just 1 hand, but there are limitations of course. Now he's at the age of really starting to notice he is different from others. We have, at times, noticed his confidence dropping which is very upsetting to see and as his parents we will do anything to help him do everything he wants, and should do, in life. Up until now there has been very little that we could do apart from encourage him and remind him not to give up.

 There are lots of adaptive solutions for having only one hand but the prosthetics that are available on the NHS would be more of a hindrance than a help, so when we first saw what open bionics were doing with the hero arms, we knew that this was the greatest option available.

 Seeing Brodie’s reaction to it we knew that we really needed to rally together and raise the funds for him so he too could be a hero arm kid! As it will be a fully functional robotic arm, which will move when controlled by his arm muscles, it is just the thing he needs to be able to do all the things his friends can do, which he can only dream of doing. He is the most kind, caring and hilarious little boy who lights up the room and puts a smile on everyone's face. He gets questioned a lot about his hand (or lucky fin as we have called it since bith), and, because he also suffered 3rd degree burns on his other hand as a baby, leaving it heavily scarred so both hands he is also questioned about that. We want to be able to give him a hand he can be proud of, and show off to the world so all the questions are no longer a problem for him. We have a few ideas lined up to help raise funds and we will post the updates of those on here, so watch this space!

 We do need to raise £20,000 so any donations would be massively appreciated to help make my little boys dream come true. He wants to be able to play bat and ball, use a knife and fork, put his own toothpaste on his toothbrush, and own a pair of lace up shoes that he can tie himself! All the things that most of us all take for granted. If you cannot donate, please share far and wide to spread the word.

Thank you for reading.

We are raising money through The Open Bionics Foundation who provides financial support to socioeconomically deprived people with limb differences who need multi-grip upper limb
prosthetics. All money raised through this page will go towards Brodies Hero Arm. 


  • Julie Dalby
    • £10
    • 1 d
  • Michael Perkins
    • £10
    • 2 d
  • Danielle King
    • £10
    • 3 d
  • Barbra Glegg
    • £10
    • 3 d
  • Kim Stewart
    • £50
    • 3 d

Fundraising team: Team fundraiser (2)

Crowdfunding Support
The Open Bionics Foundation
Naomi Foster
Team member

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