Hi Friends-
As many of you know, Brooke has been suffering from a multitude of medical issues since December, and had lost complete use of her right leg leaving her unable to walk without assistance. In May, she was diagnosed with Thoracic Myelopathy (Spinal Cord Compression), Brown-Sequard Syndrome (rare neurological condition characterized by a lesion in the spinal cord) and a fractured C5 vertebrae, and has been under the care of a team of doctors at Vanderbilt Medical Center since that time.
She underwent her first surgery on May 21 to address the fractured vertebrae in her neck, and her second surgery occurred on June 7 removing the calcified mass, which was blocking over 80% of her spinal cord canal. The recovery time for the second surgery was lengthy and Brooke had a couple of setbacks including a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in lungs), pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs) and bacterial pneumonia due to the complexity and severity of the surgery and spent a second week in the critical care ICU.
Brooke transitioned to Stallworth Rehabilitation Center upon discharge from the ICU where she spent time relearning how to walk during intensive physical and occupational therapy.
She was discharged from Stallworth on July 6, and is currently at home completing outpatient physical therapy and is working hard to regain strength and full mobility.
The determination and competitive spirit Brooke displayed each time she stepped on the basketball court as she shattered records at Gordonsville High School and later at Austin Peay State University are at the core of her continued journey towards a full recovery.
All proceeds from Brooke’s Big 3 Benefit will be used to pay expenses incurred at Vanderbilt Medical Center, Stallworth Rehabilitation Center and ongoing outpatient therapy. Registration for the tournament and/or donations can be made directly to Brooke’s Venmo account @Brooke-Armistead or mailed to Brooke at 291 Club Springs Road, Elmwood, TN 38560.
We need your help and support with ensuring this event is a success. Come out and Play for Brooke on Saturday, September 4 at the Foy Fitness & Recreation Center (451 Marion St, Clarksville, TN 3704)