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1 Child with 2 Brain Tumors

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Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this. I wanted to do something to help my goddaughter and her mother my best friend to help offset some of the costs related to what's going in with 10 year old Brook-Lynn. Brook-Lynn was born with a condition called Chiari Malformation which caused her to have massive headaches starting at the age of 2 when she was at the age of 6 she had her 1st major brain surgery a Chiari Malformation Decompression Surgery. Which left her with a very large scar down the back of her head. They removed her C1 vertibrea and the lower part of her skull and lifted her brain. A year later she started having problems again they said she had Inter Cranial Hypertention and Papelldema which is swelling in the brain and swelling behind the eyes. They did another brain surgery and it relieve some of the swelling along with multiple spinal taps.everything was good till this last December when Brook-Lynn's face started to droop and she couldn't hear out of her ear after numerous testing and scans they let her mother know she had 2 brain tumors and 1 of them is doing a lot of damage. Her mother was advised that Brook-Lynn would never hear again and that after they do this next brain surgery she will have to go back for a nerve transplant to fix her facial nerve. So this coming Monday August 13th Brook-Lynn will be having an 8 hour surgery to do a Craniotomy Translabrynth @Mcmaster Children's hospital. Im not asking for you to donate a lot but anything would help. Brook-Lynn's mother is not working right now because of all this medical issues and money is tight. The fact is bills still need to be paid. Daycare costs still occur for her other child. It takes gas to travel from city to city. It takes food to eat while not at home. So if this is something I can start to help Amanda and Brook-Lynn out and to make some of the stress of money go away for them than this is the least I can do. If you can't afford to donate than please at least share this so that this little girl my goddaughter can get the extra help they so desperately need right now.


  • Rita Delaney
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Crystal Gagnon
St. Catharines, ON

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