Medical Fund for Bert Rosenthal
Donation protected
We will be gathering virtually to celebrate Bert and the impact he made on all that knew him. This will take the form of a curated Zoom service with eulogy, photo reel, and a time for participants to tell stories and offer their parting words.
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Bert always puts everyone before himself. He’s the one you call when you need something fixed. If he can’t fix it, he has or knows the resources to get it done. Bert is an honest, hardworking, and selfless human being who would give you the shirt off his back. We love this generous man with all our hearts and are deeply sadden to share this tragic news regarding his current health. Just when he was ready to start enjoying his grandchildren and some time for himself, he felt his health failing.
Unfortunately, this past May 2020, Bert suddenly fell very ill. Due to COVID-19 and new hospital restrictions, it was extremely difficult to get an in-office appointment to accurately diagnose his on-going debilitating symptoms with his Medical Provider; over a dozen tele-med/emergency visits, several doctors/specialists. The frustration resulted in a complaint against the provider. The complaint prompted a second opinion done in the office where he obtained a shocking diagnoses of an aggressive, stage 4 liver cancer (late September). At this stage, Chemotherapy or curing was not an option. Immunity therapy was the recommended treatment in an effort just to prolong what time he has left, which was estimated to be months if he did nothing.
After a few professional opinions and treatment research, we were extremely hopeful that an alternative intense immunity therapy that was not recognized in the US to slow the cancers progression required a visit to a facility in Mexico (Early October). However, since this treatment was outside the US and considered alternative, costs became a personal expense (treatment, travel, lodging). Two weeks into the treatment, Bert’s health took a turn for the worst putting him at a near death situation, when he was rushed to the closest hospital back on US soil. Not wanting to die in a strange place his partner, Beverly, and his sister, Debbie, picked him up from the hospital in a rented vehicle and drove him home.
Being at home appears to have lifted his spirits and hopefully allow him to rest comfortably with family and loved ones, but will require ongoing treatment locally with likely hospice care. Bert, whom was self-employed, has officially been unable to work since July, due to his deteriorating health. Beverly has also adjusted her work hours availability to be able to be by his side during these difficult times. We have started this fund to help with accumulated medical expenses and to hopefully allow some peace of mind to help offset future costs.
Every donation, no matter how large or small, whether monetarily or in prayer, matters. If you are unable to contribute at this time please feel free to share this page and spread the word. Your consideration and time to read this message is gratefully appreciated. We thank you for your love and support.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: [phone redacted] 0386
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+16699006833,,91481930386# US (San Jose)
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Bert always puts everyone before himself. He’s the one you call when you need something fixed. If he can’t fix it, he has or knows the resources to get it done. Bert is an honest, hardworking, and selfless human being who would give you the shirt off his back. We love this generous man with all our hearts and are deeply sadden to share this tragic news regarding his current health. Just when he was ready to start enjoying his grandchildren and some time for himself, he felt his health failing.
Unfortunately, this past May 2020, Bert suddenly fell very ill. Due to COVID-19 and new hospital restrictions, it was extremely difficult to get an in-office appointment to accurately diagnose his on-going debilitating symptoms with his Medical Provider; over a dozen tele-med/emergency visits, several doctors/specialists. The frustration resulted in a complaint against the provider. The complaint prompted a second opinion done in the office where he obtained a shocking diagnoses of an aggressive, stage 4 liver cancer (late September). At this stage, Chemotherapy or curing was not an option. Immunity therapy was the recommended treatment in an effort just to prolong what time he has left, which was estimated to be months if he did nothing.
After a few professional opinions and treatment research, we were extremely hopeful that an alternative intense immunity therapy that was not recognized in the US to slow the cancers progression required a visit to a facility in Mexico (Early October). However, since this treatment was outside the US and considered alternative, costs became a personal expense (treatment, travel, lodging). Two weeks into the treatment, Bert’s health took a turn for the worst putting him at a near death situation, when he was rushed to the closest hospital back on US soil. Not wanting to die in a strange place his partner, Beverly, and his sister, Debbie, picked him up from the hospital in a rented vehicle and drove him home.
Being at home appears to have lifted his spirits and hopefully allow him to rest comfortably with family and loved ones, but will require ongoing treatment locally with likely hospice care. Bert, whom was self-employed, has officially been unable to work since July, due to his deteriorating health. Beverly has also adjusted her work hours availability to be able to be by his side during these difficult times. We have started this fund to help with accumulated medical expenses and to hopefully allow some peace of mind to help offset future costs.
Every donation, no matter how large or small, whether monetarily or in prayer, matters. If you are unable to contribute at this time please feel free to share this page and spread the word. Your consideration and time to read this message is gratefully appreciated. We thank you for your love and support.
Organizer and beneficiary
Nichols Family
Santa Rosa, CA
Bert Rosenthal