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Bruce's Stem Cell Therapy Fund

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Hi, I’m Bryan Machacek and my brother, Bruce, was diagnosed with ALS in 1991 when he was a senior in high school. My mom, a single mother, has taken care of him all by herself throughout the 26 years he has been sick. Today Bruce is 45 years old.

In 2002, she took him out of the country for medical treatment, and by 2004 the progression of the ALS had stopped and that continues today, 13 years later. But, he was left with the damage that was done to the motor neurons, unable to move, with a feeding tube in his stomach, and a trach tube in his throat.  My mom developed a liquid diet for him using real food and he went from 70 pounds to 120 pounds. Today he is stable but still unable to move.

We have looked into stem cell therapy for Bruce to rebuild the damaged motor neurons in hopes that he will be able to move again. The cost is $10,000.  Stem cell therapy is now being used to treat ALS, multiple scleroses, and Parkinson’s disease. Adult stem cells can repair tissue in the spinal cord. I am hoping that the stem cells will repair the motor neurons in his spinal cord. Maybe Bruce could possibly live independently, or if not, at least have a better quality of life.

My mom is sole support for Bruce and herself and his expenses are extreme. At 68 she is unable to retire because she must still support Bruce and herself. After taking care of him for 26 years, she has been able to put very little aside for retirement over the years. This year 2017, mom has been out of work since January. So, I’m requesting help from all our friends and family to fund this amount for my brother. We hope to start the treatment by November 1, 2017.  Thanks.



  • Joseph LoBuglio
    • $20
    • 7 yrs


Bryan Machacek
La Porte, TX

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