Bruins For Ashlie
The Bonnabel FCA Alumni is heading up this GoFundMe for Ashlie Wilson, daughter of Coach Don Bonewitz. Ashlie and her family (Husband, Chandler and Daughters, Kyla and Kenzlie) found out in May 2021 that she has DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ). DCIS affects an estimated 50,000 women in the U.S. each year, making it one of the most commonly diagnosed breast conditions. The good news is that these cells are contained within the ducts (in situ) and have not spread to other organs and cause serious disease or death. However, without additional treatment following surgery, DCIS has the potential to evolve into invasive cancer.
Ashlie has recently had medical exams and multiple test. She is scheduled for her first surgery on July 14th. Which will be followed by a second surgery later.
To help Ashlie and the Wilson family with medical and other related expenses during these difficult times, the FCA is asking that you donate what you can. There is no donation too big or too small. Every little bit helps.
Please share this with anyone you wish.
Thank you for your help!!