Bryan Rohde Radiology for Spinal Tumor
Hello everyone, I am setting up this gofundme for my brother’s husband, Bryan Rohde.
He is in need of 30 days of radiation treatments to slow the growth of a tumor in his spine. Unfortunately, after being laid off from his job during covid, he does not have medical insurance, nor an income to pay for these vital treatments.
It was originally discovered at the beginning of the year, that he has a rare tumor growing throughout and around his spine. He had emergency surgery to remove as much as possible and he found some relief for a few months.
However, he recently began experiencing pain and nerve problems again, and it was discovered that his tumor has begun growing again.
Due to the nature of the tumor, and the fact that it is entangled in his vertebrae and nerves, makes it inoperable. It’s is growing like a spider web through his lower back, and to make matters worse, it’s calcified. Obviously, this is causing him excruciating pain and putting his entire lower half at risk of paralysis.
A team of specialists was organized for Bryan’s case and it was decided that radiation therapy was the best line of treatment. He was all set and ready to begin his 30 days, going to far as getting his tattoos done, when Rex hospital notified him that they can not go forward with the radiation treatment for financial reasons.
The full cost of this radiation is $300 a day, for 30 days, totaling 9k.
He is currently trying to work with financial aid services to help him through this period.
*IF* he is approved for this help (which may takes weeks), then the daily cost is reduced to $75 a day, for 30 days, totaling $2,250.
However, in order to retain as much nerve function as possible, he needs to begin radiation immediately. Putting it off could really cost him.
I set the goal at 5k to help cover any extra costs and care that will be required to help him, such as OT, or PT.
Living on a single income since quarantine has already been a huge strain on both my brother and his husband as it is, and he can not afford to cover all of the treatments on top of living expenses. Not to mention, the amount of work he is taking off, and will be taking off to provide care for Bryan throughout his treatments.
If you can spare any amount of money to help Bryan, please donate. It is VERY greatly appreciated!! Bryan is literally the sweetest person and doesn’t deserve any of this at all.