Support Loneliness Cause with Immersive Event SAUL
Donation protected
We are a team of 5 passionate and dedicated international MBA students in Art and Culture Management in Paris. Xin Yi is from China, her passion is musicals. Sibel is from Turkey and aims to chill with music artists while marketing their talent, Andrea is from Andorra and is our talented artistic director, Lily-Ann is Filipino French and aims to organize events with digital innovations, and last but not least our rock star Jacob comes from the United States, already has a great experience in the music industry and aims to build bridges between continents for music artists.
Our individualities can be weaved together in a seamless way. All of us have experienced urban alienation when moving to Paris and starting a life here. We all are surrounded by people, but sometimes feel alone at the same time.
It is without fail that one is going to experience loneliness, in fact loneliness is the definitive experience that creates our humanism. The loneliness industry is a play on this definitive part of humanity but we must simply learn that without loneliness we would not know the community.
Loneliness is an intrinsic human experience that is fundamentally apart of our lives. We wish to approach the issue with an artistic touch.
"The project is an emotional introspection through an artistic immersive experience, by which we want people to reflect on loneliness collectively."
- Why: 30 million European adults (7%) frequently feel lonely. In France, Italy and Greece, the rate goes up to 10%. Loneliness matters for health and well-being. Its mortality risks are comparable to those of obseity and smoking (Source: European Social Survey, 2019). Loneliness is increasingly recognised as a significant public health issue, yet has entered the political and social debate only recently. Tackling loneliness is a such high priority in UK that a Ministry of Loneliness was appointed in 2018 with a budget of £20M. The city of Berlin also dedicated a fund for adressing urban alienation for one in ten people affected by loneliness in 2019.
It wasn't anticipated but COVID-19 has lifted another situation of loneliness: millions of people worldwide were confined in their homes, far away from their loved ones and even though near, unable to come close to them in order to prevent virus transmission.
- What:
The curation of our project is based on
- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's Grief Cycle of Emotions and
- Judith Herman's recommended Phases of Trauma Recovery.
We have chosen soundscapes and visualscapes that artistically portray the phases and each emotion.
- Who:
* A "Guru" shall guide the patron through the experience. After welcoming each patron, the Guru will go around the venue to lend an ear to those who wish to express themselves. In each emotionscape, the Guru will be showcased, having been filmed impersonating each emotion as well as relativising on the feelings as two sides of a coin.
* The event shall be curated in English and is adressed to all the international urbans who feel lonely even though they are surrounded by so many people. The digital event makes even more sense for reaching out to patrons in major cities.
- Where:
* We decided to be prepared for any sanitary disruption, so the event will be designed to take place digitally on an on-line platform. The project will be a representation of what performing arts can be in a midst-post-or-pre COVID-19 pandemic. It shall not stop us from advocating the importance of art and culture in the society. On the digital platform, there shall be avatars representing other patrons, organizers and the Guru. Avatars can chat with each other.
* The Guru will be present on social media in the weeks preceeding the event.
- When:
* The Guru will be on the social networks as from mid september.
* The event will be staged mid october, with live chats on specific dates.
STAY TUNED to know the launch dates of the social media and the orchestrated event platform.
- Social Impact: We hope that the artistic approach of the issue shall make people feel better and in peace with loneliness.
Any profit shall be donated to the FONDATION DE FRANCE who supports yearly over 1000 projects addressing social issues including the loneliness issue.
Therefore we will close the crowdfunding after the event, on the 30th October so backers can feel free to donate more for the cause even after the event.
- Artistic Impact: This project wants to show that art and performing arts can contribute to increase awareness on this issue.
In order to make the project happen, we need the following talents and resources:
- Soundscape Artist
- Visualscape Artist
- 3D Digital Artist
- Digital Platform and Website hosting
- Crowdfunding collateral fees
- VR headsets
Therefore we budgeted the development need to 2600€. A chinese crowdfunding on Modian platform is planned for micro-adjustment.
Timewise, on Gofundme we will be needing:
- 1300€ by the 1st september
- 1300€ by the 1st october
The event will be totally FREE access so the crowdfunding is our sole revenue stream. We count on you !
Using digital resources, the event will take place no matter what ! COVID-19 will not overrule art and culture.
All backers will benefit from one of two exclusive preview slots of two hours, symbolizing the "Vernissage":
- one in the morning Paris time convenient for Asian backers and
- one slot in the late afternoon Paris time, convenient for North American backers.
Special rewards:
- Over 15€ name on the wall of sponsors at the virtual event.
- Over 50€ : for the 10 first 50€ backers : shipping of a VR (Virtual Reality) headset to be used with a smartphone
- Over 100€ : shipping of a VR headset to be used with a smartphone
Please support our project by sharing our crowdfunding page and rising awareness of loneliness that is little spoken of.
We'd love to hear your kind feedback on the preparation of the event.
We are a team of 5 passionate and dedicated international MBA students in Art and Culture Management in Paris. Xin Yi is from China, her passion is musicals. Sibel is from Turkey and aims to chill with music artists while marketing their talent, Andrea is from Andorra and is our talented artistic director, Lily-Ann is Filipino French and aims to organize events with digital innovations, and last but not least our rock star Jacob comes from the United States, already has a great experience in the music industry and aims to build bridges between continents for music artists.
Our individualities can be weaved together in a seamless way. All of us have experienced urban alienation when moving to Paris and starting a life here. We all are surrounded by people, but sometimes feel alone at the same time.
It is without fail that one is going to experience loneliness, in fact loneliness is the definitive experience that creates our humanism. The loneliness industry is a play on this definitive part of humanity but we must simply learn that without loneliness we would not know the community.
Loneliness is an intrinsic human experience that is fundamentally apart of our lives. We wish to approach the issue with an artistic touch.
"The project is an emotional introspection through an artistic immersive experience, by which we want people to reflect on loneliness collectively."
- Why: 30 million European adults (7%) frequently feel lonely. In France, Italy and Greece, the rate goes up to 10%. Loneliness matters for health and well-being. Its mortality risks are comparable to those of obseity and smoking (Source: European Social Survey, 2019). Loneliness is increasingly recognised as a significant public health issue, yet has entered the political and social debate only recently. Tackling loneliness is a such high priority in UK that a Ministry of Loneliness was appointed in 2018 with a budget of £20M. The city of Berlin also dedicated a fund for adressing urban alienation for one in ten people affected by loneliness in 2019.
It wasn't anticipated but COVID-19 has lifted another situation of loneliness: millions of people worldwide were confined in their homes, far away from their loved ones and even though near, unable to come close to them in order to prevent virus transmission.
- What:
The curation of our project is based on
- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's Grief Cycle of Emotions and
- Judith Herman's recommended Phases of Trauma Recovery.
We have chosen soundscapes and visualscapes that artistically portray the phases and each emotion.
- Who:
* A "Guru" shall guide the patron through the experience. After welcoming each patron, the Guru will go around the venue to lend an ear to those who wish to express themselves. In each emotionscape, the Guru will be showcased, having been filmed impersonating each emotion as well as relativising on the feelings as two sides of a coin.
* The event shall be curated in English and is adressed to all the international urbans who feel lonely even though they are surrounded by so many people. The digital event makes even more sense for reaching out to patrons in major cities.
- Where:
* We decided to be prepared for any sanitary disruption, so the event will be designed to take place digitally on an on-line platform. The project will be a representation of what performing arts can be in a midst-post-or-pre COVID-19 pandemic. It shall not stop us from advocating the importance of art and culture in the society. On the digital platform, there shall be avatars representing other patrons, organizers and the Guru. Avatars can chat with each other.
* The Guru will be present on social media in the weeks preceeding the event.
- When:
* The Guru will be on the social networks as from mid september.
* The event will be staged mid october, with live chats on specific dates.
STAY TUNED to know the launch dates of the social media and the orchestrated event platform.
- Social Impact: We hope that the artistic approach of the issue shall make people feel better and in peace with loneliness.
Any profit shall be donated to the FONDATION DE FRANCE who supports yearly over 1000 projects addressing social issues including the loneliness issue.
Therefore we will close the crowdfunding after the event, on the 30th October so backers can feel free to donate more for the cause even after the event.
- Artistic Impact: This project wants to show that art and performing arts can contribute to increase awareness on this issue.
In order to make the project happen, we need the following talents and resources:
- Soundscape Artist
- Visualscape Artist
- 3D Digital Artist
- Digital Platform and Website hosting
- Crowdfunding collateral fees
- VR headsets
Therefore we budgeted the development need to 2600€. A chinese crowdfunding on Modian platform is planned for micro-adjustment.
Timewise, on Gofundme we will be needing:
- 1300€ by the 1st september
- 1300€ by the 1st october
The event will be totally FREE access so the crowdfunding is our sole revenue stream. We count on you !
Using digital resources, the event will take place no matter what ! COVID-19 will not overrule art and culture.
All backers will benefit from one of two exclusive preview slots of two hours, symbolizing the "Vernissage":
- one in the morning Paris time convenient for Asian backers and
- one slot in the late afternoon Paris time, convenient for North American backers.
Special rewards:
- Over 15€ name on the wall of sponsors at the virtual event.
- Over 50€ : for the 10 first 50€ backers : shipping of a VR (Virtual Reality) headset to be used with a smartphone
- Over 100€ : shipping of a VR headset to be used with a smartphone
Please support our project by sharing our crowdfunding page and rising awareness of loneliness that is little spoken of.
We'd love to hear your kind feedback on the preparation of the event.
Fundraising team: IESA Title1 Team 3 (4)
Lily Phoenix
Paris, A8
Jacob Olson
Team member
Sibel Kavadarli
Team member
Xinyi Lou
Team member