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利未記中文註釋出版 Chinese Commentary on Leviticus

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About Latreia Press

We are a team of theology students and church worker, coming from a Chinese background and devoted to theological education.

Our name λατρεία expresses our unanimous conviction that the ultimate purpose of theology is to worship God, and that our whole-hearted worship should be reflected in all aspects of our lives. Through our Chinese Christian publication ministry, we pray and hope that the Word of God will be preached and grow deeper in the Chinese Christian community, and ultimately to glorify God Himself.
我們以 λατρεία 命名,表達了我們一致秉持的理念:我們視神學的最終目的是為了敬拜上帝,並且我們全人全心的敬拜應當在我們生活的各個層面體現出來。作為一個以中文為主的基督教文字事工,我們願意通過我們的事奉,使神的話語能夠在漢語文化處境下的基督徒群體中更深地扎根和生長,見證上帝祂自己的榮美臨在。

About Project "Leviticus"

The Old Testament of the Bible, especially the Leviticus in the Pentateuch, have always been frowned upon by believers. The sacrifices and purification commands are not easy to comprehend, let alone the profound theological ideas and lessons it brings to contemporary believers. Amongst the Chinese publications on biblical interpretation, only a handful of them have been written about the entire Leviticus. Therefore, we hope to see the release of the Chinese edition of Word Biblical Commentary: Leviticus, so that more Chinese believers can have a better understanding of the God's words in Leviticus.
聖經中的舊約部分,尤其是摩西五經中的《利未記》一直令信徒敬而遠之。當中的獻祭和潔淨條例不容易為人所了解,更遑論蘊藏其中的深厚神學思想,並對現今世代信徒之造就與提醒。環觀華人的釋經書籍中,關於全卷《利未記》的誠然寥寥可數。故此,我們甚願得見 Word Biblical Commentary: Leviticus 的中文版面世,使更多華人信徒能更多地了解《利未記》中的聖言。

About the fund

As a young and growing team, we need your support in many ways.
For the first stage of the fundraising project, we are hoping to raise £5000 to support the translation fee, as well as to acquire the copyright for Word Biblical Commentary: Leviticus in Traditional Chinese (we have already secured the rights for the Simplified Chinese). 
眾籌計劃的第一部分,我們希望能籌得£5000來幫助我們支持譯者的費用,同時希望爭取 Word Biblical Commentary: Leviticus 繁體中文的版權(我們已取得簡體中文版權)。

For the future 2nd and the 3rd stage, in God's will, we hope to publish the Chinese edition of the following two book titles about Leviticus and Deuteronomy.

Who Shall Ascend The Mountain of The Lord?  -- A Theology Of The Book Of Leviticus  (ISBN: 9781783593682)
New Studies in Biblical Theology Series
系列主編 Series Editor: D. A. Carson
作者 Author: Michael Morales

The Triumph of Grace: Literary and Theological Studies in Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic Themes  (ISBN: 9781498292672) 
作者 Author: Daniel I. Block

We are grateful to your financial support to Latreia's publishing ministry and your prayers too. If you give £80 or more, we will send you a copy of the Chinese edition of Word Biblical Commentary: Leviticus (to be published around the end of 2021).
我們期待您以金錢奉獻來參與Latreia的文字事工,並在禱告中記念,與我們同行。為表遠謝意,如您捐獻£80或以上,我們會向您送上Word Biblical Commentary: Leviticus 中文版壹本(約2021年底出版)。

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歡迎來關注我們的網站FacebookInstagram !


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