Buffalo Resilience
Donation protected

I love Buffalo and the amazing people in it. “The City of good neighbors”, I believe that is true. Now is the time to prove it. Not just for Bills or Sabres games, or when Tom Brady leaves the Patriots but in times of need. Corona virus is real and is impacting us all in different ways. Some like me have been laid off, lost jobs, kids are home from school, but we are all home safe. Some are not. Medical professionals and hospital staff are on the front lines of a fight to protect us all against what could be something terrible. Not only are they on the front lines, they may have to be unprotected. This is not just unsafe for them personally, it will continue the spread of the virus.
If you're like me, you're at home feeling pretty helpless, well you don’t have to be. Join me and many others in Buffalo doing what we can to make masks. They can be simple but effective in keeping people a little safer than having nothing. I will post some videos showing simple ideas, and I am also working closely with an amazing local company Custom Covers and Canvas to possibly have a template cut for people to use. I know these masks are not filtered and may not be as effective N95 masks that are desperately needed but they are better than nothing. I have heard that people have been seen using paper towels as face masks at certain hospitals.
If you are reading this and are a manufacturing company, a construction company, painters, fashion designers, a clothing company, we need your time, expertise and your skills.
Please reach out to me if you have any ideas, questions or even better patterns for sewing masks. The medical staff who are stepping up to protect us from COVID-19 need all the help we can give them.
So please I am asking you to step up. Reach out to people who can donate, get busy sewing and get friends involved. Let be the community that I know we are.
We have #Buffaloresiliencehttps://forms.gle/t97mu3xV8rChe8EBA

Phil McNamara
Buffalo, NY