Build a Safe Haven for Raider and His Pack
Tax deductible
My name is Alexa,
I volunteer at a nonprofit organization called Mattersville. The organization focuses on the rehabilitation of veterans coping with PTSD by taking care of rescued wolf-dogs at our sanctuary. There are on average 22 veteran suicides a day. Our wolf-dogs are all rescued from abusive owners, backyard breeding operations, hoarding situations, saving from euthanasia in shelters, etc. They have been given a second chance and a better life.
I am creating this GoFundMe to raise money for a wolf-dog named Raider and for the other 9 wolf-dogs that came out of this terrible situation. We saved the lives of all 9 and are currently trying to save Raider’s life as well. They all came out of a hoarding situation where they were not provided any medical care and were left to fend for themselves. They were seized from the property and would have been euthanized in shelters if we didn’t welcome them into our pack and our care. I am trying to raise funds for all their medical care and expenses. Our first mission once we gain funds is to build Raider a beautiful enclosure that he deserves. Please find it in your hearts to help these amazing dogs.

Alexa Scheevel
Louviers, CO