Build a school in Yemen
** Sadaqah and Lillah** Not Zakah eligible
Abu Ashraf from Bristol, United Kingdom whilst travelling in Yemen and came across these children being taught in dirt and rubble under a bridge by the side of the Road.
Abu Ashraf from Bristol, United Kingdom whilst travelling in Yemen and came across these children being taught in dirt and rubble under a bridge by the side of the Road.
From the video below, you can see they have nothing but a teacher using a white board attached to the bridge to give these children some sort of basic education. Despite the severity of the situation, this teacher is still striving to teach, Subhana’Allah.
Alhamdulillah, the people in the area have donated a piece of land. With your generous support we wish to build a school with at least 6 classrooms and a wash facility for these children Insha’Allah. Please help us transform these children’s futures. May Allah (SWT) reward you for your donations.
We believe in the fundamental right of education and as can be seen despite the most basic provisions the children with their teacher are still carrying on with their learning. Help us help these children transform their futures.
Location - Burhan - Anis - Yemen,
Bristol Taleem-ul-Islam Trust (BTIT) in partnership with 4Them.
You can also donate directly to our charity bank account.
Name: Bristol Taleem ul Islam TST-Charity AC
Account Number:26347468
Sort Code: 30-84-75
Refrence: Yemen School

Location - Burhan - Anis - Yemen,
Bristol Taleem-ul-Islam Trust (BTIT) in partnership with 4Them.
You can also donate directly to our charity bank account.
Name: Bristol Taleem ul Islam TST-Charity AC
Account Number:26347468
Sort Code: 30-84-75
Refrence: Yemen School

Watch the video
Alhamdulilah by the Grace of Allah we at BTIT have built schools in different countries.
Here are some examples of a schools built in Iraq and Kashmir.

Alhamdulilah by the Grace of Allah we at BTIT have built schools in different countries.
Here are some examples of a schools built in Iraq and Kashmir.

Bristol Taleem -ul- Islam (Trust)