Build a water tank for Mohammed Arman Morshed in Yemen
Donation protected
Asalamu’alaikum all,
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
It is with sad news that on the 10th of August 2024, Arman Morshed passed away in a tragic car accident. He left so young at the age of 25, may Allah have mercy on his soul.
Arman wasn’t just a close friend, he was a brother to us. He was someone who we could always count on, anytime we needed to speak for any reason, he was always there for us regardless of his schedule. He was a special person who had beautiful character, for those who know him, he would always bring good vibes wherever he was. People like him are hard to come by, as heartbroken and upset as we are, we have to remind ourselves to say Alhamdulillah for Allah allowing us to spend the years he gave us with him. Now we are left with memories of the good times we had that will forever be cherished. May Allah grant Arman Jannatul Firdaus, fill his grave with noor and forgive him for any shortcomings.
As a form of Sadaqah-Jaariyah for Arman, we would like to raise funds help build a water tank/tanks in Yemen. The charity who we have decided to do this through is Yemaid. As you may be aware currently over half the population of Yemen – some 14.4 million people – are struggling to find clean drinking water. It is already one of the most water-scarce countries in the world and conflict has only resulted in further damage to water systems throughout Yemen.
By helping us fund the tank/tanks, this will ensure that families have a supply of clean water, both for drinking and growing food, on a monthly basis.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The best charity is giving water to drink” and he was the most generous in giving charity. (as narrated in Ahmad).
The cost of 1 water tank is £900 (holds up to 12,000 litres of water), this amount will cover:
Manufacturing costs including the material such as steel, cement, brickwork, welding, chains and taps and it also covers the labour costs (6 people on the ground roughly constructing it). In addition, it covers diesel to transport it to the exact location which we will share once built. The charity weekly raises funds to then fill up these tanks to provide a clean source of water as it is a basic necessity. There will he a quick turn around once all funds are released and sent over. Regular updates will also be given via videos to document the process of the tank/s being built.
Target may be increased to build more than one.
Please donate generously and share this with your friends and family so Arman is able to benefit as much as possible for it. We also ask you to keep our brother in your duas and pray that Allah gives his family ease and sabr during this difficult time.
Sayeed Chowdhury