Build inpatient wards for Buwanga Way to Health Foundation
Donation protected
I'm raising money to finish building two wards for inpatient care in rural Uganda.
This appeal, for the Buwanga Way to Health Foundation, will fund:
- Two inpatient wards, to save lives
- A medical consultation room
- Renovation of the office building, to provide more space for seeing patients and carrying out our activities.
- Essential medicines for ongoing treatment
- Test kits
The Buwanga Way to Health Foundation is a health promotion charity in Eastern Uganda, which provides healthcare to impoverished members of the local community and is running several programs to tackle malnutrition and protect health.
Since September 2023, Buwanga has been providing daily meals to more than 200 orphans throughout the school terms. The organisation has invested in a new poultry farm to enhance the orphans' diet with eggs. Buwanga has also built a mill with storage space to reduce and stabilise local food prices.
The organisation is providing a clothes making training course to help people stay out of poverty and avoid poverty's negative health effects.
In February 2023, Buwanga distributed 1500 mosquito nets, to prevent malaria.
In September 2022, Buwanga organised a free medical camp providing healthcare for a day to 2,500 patients who would otherwise have found accessing healthcare difficult or impossible.
In August 2022, the organisation distributed food to communities impacted by recent flooding that destroyed crops and swept away livestock. It planted trees that will provide nutritious food and withstand floods.
The organisation's founder Wefwafwa Andrew appeared on Ugandan national television in June 2022, where he described his community based approach to preventative medicine.
I have been passionate about this cause since 2021, having learned about Wefwafwa's work on Dr. John Campbell's YouTube channel. I will donate all funds raised here directly to the Buwanga Way to Health Foundation to support the completion of this construction project.
Sean Roberti