Building a well in Kashmir [Sadaqatul-Jāriyah]
Donation protected
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
my beloved nani passed away this morning
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
verily the eyes shed tears and the heart is grieved, but we will not say anything except what is pleasing to our Lord.
i didn’t want to waste any time in setting this up. as a form of sadaqatul-jāriyah for her, i have decided to build a water well in kashmir through crisis aid - the total needed is £1750.
any extra money donated will go towards purchasing mushafs to distribute at local masājid.
please donate generously & may الله raise your ranks for every penny you donate.
my nani was a very righteous woman who did nothing but good all her life. she became a widow from a very young age & raised 4 children by herself. every penny she received from her widow pension went towards helping whoever she could. she suffered a lot in this life physically & emotionally, so i ask الله to make her final resting place the highest ranks of jannah.
please make sincere du’ā for her & my family.
may الله accept this from us all.
reported by abū hurayrah رضي الله عنه,
the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"when the human being dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: sadaqatul-jāriyah [ongoing charity]; a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him."
[sahīh muslim]
please share this if you’re not able to donate.
بارك الله فيكم
my beloved nani passed away this morning
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
verily the eyes shed tears and the heart is grieved, but we will not say anything except what is pleasing to our Lord.
i didn’t want to waste any time in setting this up. as a form of sadaqatul-jāriyah for her, i have decided to build a water well in kashmir through crisis aid - the total needed is £1750.
any extra money donated will go towards purchasing mushafs to distribute at local masājid.
please donate generously & may الله raise your ranks for every penny you donate.
my nani was a very righteous woman who did nothing but good all her life. she became a widow from a very young age & raised 4 children by herself. every penny she received from her widow pension went towards helping whoever she could. she suffered a lot in this life physically & emotionally, so i ask الله to make her final resting place the highest ranks of jannah.
please make sincere du’ā for her & my family.
may الله accept this from us all.
reported by abū hurayrah رضي الله عنه,
the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"when the human being dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: sadaqatul-jāriyah [ongoing charity]; a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him."
[sahīh muslim]
please share this if you’re not able to donate.
بارك الله فيكم
Bint Saddiq