Bulawayo Boreholes Drilling Project, Zimbabwe
Donation protected
Project Title: Improving Access To Safe and Clean Water At Entembeni Old People’s Home, eNkundleni Community Centre at eNtumbane and Thembiso Children’s Orphanage Home in Bulawayo, Matebeleland.
Sector Focus: Water Infrastructure (Boreholes)
Name of implementing agent: 1893 Mthwakazi (Matebeleland) Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM)
1893 MHRRM Registration Number UK: 12228750
Website: 1893mhrrm.org
Head Office: United Kingdom
Implementing Partners: eNtembeni Old People’s Home, eNkundleni Community Centre and Thembiso Children's Orphanage
Estimated Project duration: 12 Months
Estimated Implementation start and end date: 2021/2022
Project location: Bulawayo City, Matebeleland, Zimbabwe
Organization Description & History
The 1893 Mthwakazi (Matebeleland) Human Rights Restoration Movement is one of the Human Rights Organizations registered in Zimbabwe, South Africa and in the United Kingdom. It has leadership that is based in these countries. The organization was established on the 13th November 2016.
The major goal of the organization is to restore and promote the collective human rights of the people of Matebelele such as social rights, economic rights, healthcare and quality life rights, educational rights, cultural and language rights and above all rights to their land.
The organization believes in working directly with Matebeleland communities in its Restoration approach, tackling the needs of local communities and restoring the Human Rights of local communities across board. Since its establishment in 2016, it has engaged in several activities to promote the rights of local communities.
For this Project, access to water is a fundamental Human Right and Water is Life especially for the
vulnerable groups in our community and therefore the organisation is eager to play its small part to support vulnerable members of our community and local communities in Townships to access water on a permanent basis as well as highlight the water shortage problem in Bulawayo and Matebeleland in general
and push for more permanent solutions.
As a temporal measure, through donations from its members, the organization, in partnership with the Bulawayo City Council, has been supplying Townships with water deliveries 2 times a month on weekends for the last 4 months since June 2020, which is insufficient to meet the demands of water from desperate residents in the Townships.
Problem Definition and Context:
Matebeleland region is the most arid region of Zimbabwe. Rainfall is infrequent and highly inconsistent and it has been worse for 2019/2020. Climate change is likely to increase the frequency of droughts and water shortages in Bulawayo City and Matebeleland in general.
The dams that supply Bulawayo City, Zimbabwe’s second largest city, are almost dry. The levels for remaining 3 functioning dams are dangerously low at between 20-30% while the 4th dam went below 6% water capacity and has been decommissioned by the City Council.
Since May 2020 the Bulawayo City Council has had to limit access to tap water to once a week. This has forced residents in various townships to try and access unsafe wells as the taps run dry.
The water restrictions and water shedding in the city has affected all communities and the vulnerable groups putting everyone at a higher risk of health hazards from water borne diseases.
Above and beyond the issue of severe and devastating drought in Matebeleland and poor economy in the country, year 2020 has seen an outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic all over the world. Currently Bulawayo and Matebeleland in general are leading with Covid 19 infections as Bulawayo and Matebeleland are transit travel zones to South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia and then Central Africa with many travellers passing through.
Residents in the City also spend a lot of time looking for water and food in groups, defeating the social distancing healthcare guidelines on preventing Covid 19 infections. Covid 19 infections are rising in Bulawayo day by day and the situation looks grim.
Therefore, as indicated above, the water situation is currently a serious issue of concern in the city as water supplies are restricted and yet water is a basic daily need for human survival.
Consistent lack of access to clean, safe and reliable water is a serious health-hazard risk as well as dehumanising to the elderly, the Children and those who care for them and the general communities in Bulawayo’s various Townships. There is a high risk of outbreak of waterborne diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera and typhoid. Already some parts of the City of Bulawayo are experiencing outbreaks of diarrhoea and typhoid and there have been deaths recorded so far.
Life has become extremely difficult for the elderly, children and the general communities in Townships without predictable water supplies. Looking after the elderly, children and caring after them in residential homes has become a huge challenge. Households in the general communities in townships are also finding it hard to look after their families without water.
The Covid 19 pandemic requires high standards of cleanliness to prevent infections. The prevention guidelines are constant hand washing with self-isolation for those who suspect that they may have the symptoms. These prevention strategies cannot be adhered to by residents when water is a scarce commodity and is in demand. They are always out looking for water.
Therefore, water is needed to achieve high standards of cleanliness in homes and in the general communities in Bulawayo’s Townships.
In some parts of the City, residents have gone for more than 9 months without constant or adequate water supplies. It is therefore essential that the identified residential homes for the vulnerable and eNkundleni Community Centre at eNtumbane Township have adequate and constant water supplies for access by residents of the homes and by residents of local Townships.
Project Aims:
• To reliably provide badly needed safe and clean water in identified residential homes and for eNkundleni Community Centre and local Townships such as eNjube, Matshobana, Mpopoma and eMakhandeni townships throughout the year
• To improve basic health and hygiene standards in homes and Townships and reduce possibility of water borne disease outbreaks.
• To provide reliable water supplies to reduce risk of residents getting Covid 19 infections by walking distances in groups to seek water.
• To contribute in reducing mortality and morbidity due to water-borne diseases in the City of Bulawayo.
• To raise awareness about water shortages and problems in Bulawayo and seek the public and organizations to support further initiatives in other areas for bringing permanent water solutions to the city and its townships.
Project Beneficiaries
1. Entembeni Elderly People’s home and local Townships
2. ENkundleni Community Centre and local Townships such as eNjube, Matshobana, Mpopoma and eMakhandeni townships
3. Thembiso Children’s Orphanage Home and surrounding Townships
Project Phases and Justifications
The Project Phases are delineated in 4 monthly phases and the justifications are given below.
Phase 1: eNtembeni will be Phase 1 of this Project, due to the fact it has vulnerable elderly who are experiencing periodic water shortages and are a high-risk group of suffering illhealth.
Phase 2: eNkundleni Community Centre at eNtumbane Township will be Phase 2 of this Project. This will be done in Partnership with Black uMfolosi Musical and Dance Co. The Township and surrounding townships of eNjube, Matshobana, Mpopoma and eMakhandeni, like the rest of Bulawayo Townships, are experiencing severe water shortages because of water shedding by the City Council due to a severe and devastating 2019/2020 drought in Matebeleland.
eNkundleni Centre is also strategically and centrally located to the mentioned townships and its accessibility is excellent due to road networks that link it to these surrounding townships.
Phase 3: The 3rd Phase will involve Thembiso Children’s Orphanage Home. This is a home for orphaned children and it is vital that these children and the staff looking after them have a reliable and constant supply of water.
Key Project Beneficiary Profiles
1. eNtembeni Elderly People’s Home
The home was established in 1967 by a group of men who were heading the Bulawayo City Council at the time. The land was bought from Bulawayo Council through a Trust that they had formed. Currently the Home is run by a voluntary Board of Trustees. The home can accommodate 75 residents but for now it has it has a total of 48 residents and 11 of those are women. There are two oldest males who are 103 years each respectively. The oldest female is 93 years old.
2. eNkundleni at eNtumbane
The centre was founded in February 1994 by renowned Black uMfolosi Music and Dance Group to revive, preserve and promote Matebeleland Culture, Poetry and Music. This is a Community Centre that is strategically and centrally located at Entumbane Township in Bulawayo near' D 'square with good road links to it from other townships. Due to the Centre’s central location, it services various Residents of Bulawayo Townships and mainly those that are at eNtumbane Township itself and the Townships very close to Entumbane Township. These townships are Njube,Matshobana, Mpopoma and Makhandeni townships with thousands of residents in them.
The Centre is measuring 1 0748 ha, in size. It serves as a platform and a training facility in various fields and the Arts. The programmes carried out at the Centre are meant to empower the Youths and the unemployed in the local Townships.
The facility also provides spaces for an Academic School, Choirs, Dance groups, and Churches. Water is now a critical scare resource in the Centre and the Townships and this centre, in partnership with 1893 Mthwakazi (Matebeleland) Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM), seek to play a vital role in community service by providing water to residents of eNtumbane and surrounding townships. The centre is therefore located in a strategic and central location to be able to supply residents with water in all mentioned Townships that are struggling with reliable water supplies because of the severe and devastating 2019/2020 drought in Matebeleland.
3. Thembiso Children’s Orphanage Home
Thembiso Children’s Home is the Free Presbyterian Church’s orphanage, catering for approximately 40 children. The home was established in 1956 and it was officially opened in 1963. There is a staff complement of 23 including house mothers and management. In 2011 the home was re-organized from a dormitory style set-up to five family units in five houses. Water supplies are also affecting this Orphanage. There is a need for a borehole to manage water problems on a permanent basis.
We therefore make a heartfelt appeal for donations to carry out this Project in all the 3 nominated institutions
"Blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that taketh"
God Bless!
Project Title: Improving Access To Safe and Clean Water At Entembeni Old People’s Home, eNkundleni Community Centre at eNtumbane and Thembiso Children’s Orphanage Home in Bulawayo, Matebeleland.
Sector Focus: Water Infrastructure (Boreholes)
Name of implementing agent: 1893 Mthwakazi (Matebeleland) Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM)
1893 MHRRM Registration Number UK: 12228750
Website: 1893mhrrm.org
Head Office: United Kingdom
Implementing Partners: eNtembeni Old People’s Home, eNkundleni Community Centre and Thembiso Children's Orphanage
Estimated Project duration: 12 Months
Estimated Implementation start and end date: 2021/2022
Project location: Bulawayo City, Matebeleland, Zimbabwe
Organization Description & History
The 1893 Mthwakazi (Matebeleland) Human Rights Restoration Movement is one of the Human Rights Organizations registered in Zimbabwe, South Africa and in the United Kingdom. It has leadership that is based in these countries. The organization was established on the 13th November 2016.
The major goal of the organization is to restore and promote the collective human rights of the people of Matebelele such as social rights, economic rights, healthcare and quality life rights, educational rights, cultural and language rights and above all rights to their land.
The organization believes in working directly with Matebeleland communities in its Restoration approach, tackling the needs of local communities and restoring the Human Rights of local communities across board. Since its establishment in 2016, it has engaged in several activities to promote the rights of local communities.
For this Project, access to water is a fundamental Human Right and Water is Life especially for the
vulnerable groups in our community and therefore the organisation is eager to play its small part to support vulnerable members of our community and local communities in Townships to access water on a permanent basis as well as highlight the water shortage problem in Bulawayo and Matebeleland in general
and push for more permanent solutions.
As a temporal measure, through donations from its members, the organization, in partnership with the Bulawayo City Council, has been supplying Townships with water deliveries 2 times a month on weekends for the last 4 months since June 2020, which is insufficient to meet the demands of water from desperate residents in the Townships.
Problem Definition and Context:
Matebeleland region is the most arid region of Zimbabwe. Rainfall is infrequent and highly inconsistent and it has been worse for 2019/2020. Climate change is likely to increase the frequency of droughts and water shortages in Bulawayo City and Matebeleland in general.
The dams that supply Bulawayo City, Zimbabwe’s second largest city, are almost dry. The levels for remaining 3 functioning dams are dangerously low at between 20-30% while the 4th dam went below 6% water capacity and has been decommissioned by the City Council.
Since May 2020 the Bulawayo City Council has had to limit access to tap water to once a week. This has forced residents in various townships to try and access unsafe wells as the taps run dry.
The water restrictions and water shedding in the city has affected all communities and the vulnerable groups putting everyone at a higher risk of health hazards from water borne diseases.
Above and beyond the issue of severe and devastating drought in Matebeleland and poor economy in the country, year 2020 has seen an outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic all over the world. Currently Bulawayo and Matebeleland in general are leading with Covid 19 infections as Bulawayo and Matebeleland are transit travel zones to South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia and then Central Africa with many travellers passing through.
Residents in the City also spend a lot of time looking for water and food in groups, defeating the social distancing healthcare guidelines on preventing Covid 19 infections. Covid 19 infections are rising in Bulawayo day by day and the situation looks grim.
Therefore, as indicated above, the water situation is currently a serious issue of concern in the city as water supplies are restricted and yet water is a basic daily need for human survival.
Consistent lack of access to clean, safe and reliable water is a serious health-hazard risk as well as dehumanising to the elderly, the Children and those who care for them and the general communities in Bulawayo’s various Townships. There is a high risk of outbreak of waterborne diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera and typhoid. Already some parts of the City of Bulawayo are experiencing outbreaks of diarrhoea and typhoid and there have been deaths recorded so far.
Life has become extremely difficult for the elderly, children and the general communities in Townships without predictable water supplies. Looking after the elderly, children and caring after them in residential homes has become a huge challenge. Households in the general communities in townships are also finding it hard to look after their families without water.
The Covid 19 pandemic requires high standards of cleanliness to prevent infections. The prevention guidelines are constant hand washing with self-isolation for those who suspect that they may have the symptoms. These prevention strategies cannot be adhered to by residents when water is a scarce commodity and is in demand. They are always out looking for water.
Therefore, water is needed to achieve high standards of cleanliness in homes and in the general communities in Bulawayo’s Townships.
In some parts of the City, residents have gone for more than 9 months without constant or adequate water supplies. It is therefore essential that the identified residential homes for the vulnerable and eNkundleni Community Centre at eNtumbane Township have adequate and constant water supplies for access by residents of the homes and by residents of local Townships.
Project Aims:
• To reliably provide badly needed safe and clean water in identified residential homes and for eNkundleni Community Centre and local Townships such as eNjube, Matshobana, Mpopoma and eMakhandeni townships throughout the year
• To improve basic health and hygiene standards in homes and Townships and reduce possibility of water borne disease outbreaks.
• To provide reliable water supplies to reduce risk of residents getting Covid 19 infections by walking distances in groups to seek water.
• To contribute in reducing mortality and morbidity due to water-borne diseases in the City of Bulawayo.
• To raise awareness about water shortages and problems in Bulawayo and seek the public and organizations to support further initiatives in other areas for bringing permanent water solutions to the city and its townships.
Project Beneficiaries
1. Entembeni Elderly People’s home and local Townships
2. ENkundleni Community Centre and local Townships such as eNjube, Matshobana, Mpopoma and eMakhandeni townships
3. Thembiso Children’s Orphanage Home and surrounding Townships
Project Phases and Justifications
The Project Phases are delineated in 4 monthly phases and the justifications are given below.
Phase 1: eNtembeni will be Phase 1 of this Project, due to the fact it has vulnerable elderly who are experiencing periodic water shortages and are a high-risk group of suffering illhealth.
Phase 2: eNkundleni Community Centre at eNtumbane Township will be Phase 2 of this Project. This will be done in Partnership with Black uMfolosi Musical and Dance Co. The Township and surrounding townships of eNjube, Matshobana, Mpopoma and eMakhandeni, like the rest of Bulawayo Townships, are experiencing severe water shortages because of water shedding by the City Council due to a severe and devastating 2019/2020 drought in Matebeleland.
eNkundleni Centre is also strategically and centrally located to the mentioned townships and its accessibility is excellent due to road networks that link it to these surrounding townships.
Phase 3: The 3rd Phase will involve Thembiso Children’s Orphanage Home. This is a home for orphaned children and it is vital that these children and the staff looking after them have a reliable and constant supply of water.
Key Project Beneficiary Profiles
1. eNtembeni Elderly People’s Home
The home was established in 1967 by a group of men who were heading the Bulawayo City Council at the time. The land was bought from Bulawayo Council through a Trust that they had formed. Currently the Home is run by a voluntary Board of Trustees. The home can accommodate 75 residents but for now it has it has a total of 48 residents and 11 of those are women. There are two oldest males who are 103 years each respectively. The oldest female is 93 years old.
2. eNkundleni at eNtumbane
The centre was founded in February 1994 by renowned Black uMfolosi Music and Dance Group to revive, preserve and promote Matebeleland Culture, Poetry and Music. This is a Community Centre that is strategically and centrally located at Entumbane Township in Bulawayo near' D 'square with good road links to it from other townships. Due to the Centre’s central location, it services various Residents of Bulawayo Townships and mainly those that are at eNtumbane Township itself and the Townships very close to Entumbane Township. These townships are Njube,Matshobana, Mpopoma and Makhandeni townships with thousands of residents in them.
The Centre is measuring 1 0748 ha, in size. It serves as a platform and a training facility in various fields and the Arts. The programmes carried out at the Centre are meant to empower the Youths and the unemployed in the local Townships.
The facility also provides spaces for an Academic School, Choirs, Dance groups, and Churches. Water is now a critical scare resource in the Centre and the Townships and this centre, in partnership with 1893 Mthwakazi (Matebeleland) Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM), seek to play a vital role in community service by providing water to residents of eNtumbane and surrounding townships. The centre is therefore located in a strategic and central location to be able to supply residents with water in all mentioned Townships that are struggling with reliable water supplies because of the severe and devastating 2019/2020 drought in Matebeleland.
3. Thembiso Children’s Orphanage Home
Thembiso Children’s Home is the Free Presbyterian Church’s orphanage, catering for approximately 40 children. The home was established in 1956 and it was officially opened in 1963. There is a staff complement of 23 including house mothers and management. In 2011 the home was re-organized from a dormitory style set-up to five family units in five houses. Water supplies are also affecting this Orphanage. There is a need for a borehole to manage water problems on a permanent basis.
We therefore make a heartfelt appeal for donations to carry out this Project in all the 3 nominated institutions
"Blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that taketh"
God Bless!
1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement