Bumper stickers to boost '18 voting
I think the best thing for our country right now is to get absolutely as many people to vote on November 6, 2018 as possible.
I think it needs to be talked about, shouted about, worn on our sleeves from now until then.
This campaign is to pool money to print as many bumper stickers as possible that have a simple message: PLEASE VOTE 11-6-18
The plan is by getting together a larger amount of money, we can get more of the stickers printed at a bulk cost.
If we raise $10,000, we can print 100,000 stickers.
How the money will be used: We (me and a few friends) will take the stickers to rallies through the summer and hand them out free, or for a small contribution to get more printed.
I'm also planning to walk door-to-door to hand them out. No big sales pitch. No nasty partisanship. Just, Hey, whatever your point of view, right now your country needs you to show up. And speak up.
I believe we are in the middle of a critical test about whether this nation is truly able to govern itself. I believe 'We the people' really are the ones who have to roll up our sleeves and do this work. I don't love politics. There are a dozen other things I'd rather be doing. But I think taking no action is not an option right now.
I also don't think energy is well spent being negative or pointing fingers or trying to divide people up. This is a good-hearted nation. I know so many good people who have all different shades of politics.
But the country needs to speak up and say which way we think we should go.
This is not part of any official campaign or group.
Just me and a couple loved ones and friends trying to organize something and feel like we're doing something.
We don't have any kind of official organization.
We will not make any profit. Anything collected will go back into printing and distributing the bumper stickers.
If we reach part of our goal, great. Whatever we can get, we will be delighted with. My wife and I will put in the first donation. Whatever we get on top of that, we will be grateful for.
We'll probably aim to put in the biggest order we can around July 17.
Thank you for reading and considering,
[email redacted]
Also visit: pleasevotenovember6.com
Facebook: https://tinyurl.com/y8btudbd
Instagram: pleasevotenovember6