Butler Acres Walk-a-Thon
Friends and Family of Butler Acres Elementary School,
Pledge an amount for a Butler Acres Student for our PTO Walk-A-Thon by May 14 ! Enter their name in the "Comments" section after your pledge. Donations without student names attached in the comment section will go towards the over all school goal of $10,000.
The PTO supports and provides additional things to our students like the Book Fair, Sock Hop, Field Day, Kindergarten Orientation, School Beautification, Swim Nights, Movie Nights, Spirit Wear, Staff Appreciation, School Assemblies, Classroom Support/Supplies, Emergency Community Needs, Newsletters, Safety Awareness, Tail Gate Parties, Grants to Staff, Technology, Field Trip Funding, Alumni College Scholarships, Student Awards, Nature Trail Restoration, Back to School Nights, Box Tops, Sport Sponsorships, Turkey Trot Prizes, PE Equipment, Library Books, Music Instruments & of course we can't forget Laser Toner ! Every dollar matters for our kids...