Rasul's Ministry of Love
'The Man, The Message, The Music'
A Ministry of Love, Healing Movement
I am a divinely gifted communicator who has been stricken by tremendous challenges and life altering health issues. Adult onset blindness related to diabetes has transformed my life. Additionally, renal and congestive heart failure culminating with legal blindness and the need for a kidney transplant has made me at times question my own personal existence and purpose. I continue to remain focused and dedicated to using my oratory, writing, theatrics, singing and musical composition talents to promote healing, inspire others and to awaken the consciousness of human beings around the world deprived of Freedom, Justice and Equality.
My name is Rasul Muhammad, I am the father of two beautiful daughters, and I am a son of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Mother Tynnetta Muhammad of the Nation of Islam in the United States of America. My 'Gift' is my soul inspiration to serve humanity through the legacy of my parents, whose spirit and work are still awakening the consciousness of human beings globally. I am a student Minister and messenger of Music, Color and Medicine for the healing of the human soul. My musical message can currently be experienced through the albums available on CD Baby, iTunes, Google Play and many other sites.
I am currently on a Nation-Wide Ministry of Love Tour to promote healing through the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who taught that Music, Color and Medicine are the essence of the true religion of God. Your financial support will enable me to share my 'Gifts' not just throughout the country, but ultimately around the world, to heal people everywhere, regardless of their creed, class, race, or color.
Support The Man, The Message, The Music and help me to inspire those stricken by life changing illnesses. Visit me on Facebook and or my website at www.rasulonline.com Thank you.