Help me get surgery ❤️
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I’m allesha. For the past couple of years I’ve been going through a diagnosis of chiari malformation, tethered spinal cord syndrome which has caused a tumour to form, filum disease, aswell as other ongoing diagnoses. It’s been the most difficult years of my life, but it’s made me grow, and learn to never take anything for granted. When I got my diagnosis I was confident I was in the best hands and I would get the best help through the nhs. Unfortunately I had a terrible experience through this and this surgery isn’t available to me and I’ve exhausted every option to change this. The only option I have is to seek privately, to have major surgery to completely eliminate chiari malformation. This is a rare brain condition where brain tissue extends into the spinal canal, occurring when your skull is misshapen or is too small, pressing down onto your brain forcing it to go downwards, I have 14mm herniation, which is really severe. I suffer with extreme symptoms of this, like back pain-constant headaches-severe sensitivity towards light/sound-weakness-loss of movement-breathing problems-unsteady gait-numbness in hands/feet-dizziness-fatigue-extreme loss of concentration and memory etc, the symptoms I have are ongoing, and get worse every day which is physically and so mentally exhausting, these symptoms gradually came over several years, but for the most recent they have been extremely severe feeling like they haven’t just put my life on hold but ruined it all together. I’m unable to work, study or Do anything day to day without struggle. I put my life on hold to dedicate everything into fighting for this surgery, because I know it’s the only step I can take to get better and help me live a “normal” life again, I know without it I can’t continue to live, it is no way of living, and I know I’m not alone knowing that living with this condition, it is no way to live or want to be here. After fighting so hard for this, I’m so unbelievably grateful to be given the opportunity to have surgery to not just help with my symptoms, but to prevent my conditions from getting worse causing things like paralysis which I’m at high risk of in the future. This surgery will be performed in Spain, Barcelona, In the institute of chiari&siringomelia&escoliosis,by Dr Salvador. Although I’m so relieved to finally be a candidate for surgery after fighting so hard, unfortunately I cannot afford any of the upfront costs of €23,000 just for the surgery, this price highly increases with costs as the month stay in Barcelona to recover/flights/hotels/medications/post operation appointments/pre operative appointments/pre anaesthetic appointment and travelling so on. Under my circumstances, insurance is not available to me, so I have to cover this price my self, which is not possible in the limited time I have. I cannot fight as hard as I have to in the end not being able to have this surgery due to finances. I’ve created this in hopes that just maybe I could be lucky enough to have enough money to pay for this surgery and all the other expenses needed above.
Before this, it was my absolute dream to study law in university, but now, it’s to just be alive, and to be in a position in the future where I can make a true difference to people who suffer with rare illnesses and help as much as I possibly can to make sure no one ever goes through the worst experiences I’ve ever been through.
It would mean the absolute world to me if you would donate money to help me get the surgery I need to keep living and not waking up every day knowing I’m worse and worse, but to wake up knowing that I’m free and I don’t have limited time before something awful happens. Just sharing this post, to spread awareness on my case but also on the matter of the severity of #chiarimalformation a rare brain condition, would make the biggest difference and means more than you’ll ever know. Thankyou all so much for reading and even the tiniest donation could be saving me. ❤️
Before this, it was my absolute dream to study law in university, but now, it’s to just be alive, and to be in a position in the future where I can make a true difference to people who suffer with rare illnesses and help as much as I possibly can to make sure no one ever goes through the worst experiences I’ve ever been through.
It would mean the absolute world to me if you would donate money to help me get the surgery I need to keep living and not waking up every day knowing I’m worse and worse, but to wake up knowing that I’m free and I don’t have limited time before something awful happens. Just sharing this post, to spread awareness on my case but also on the matter of the severity of #chiarimalformation a rare brain condition, would make the biggest difference and means more than you’ll ever know. Thankyou all so much for reading and even the tiniest donation could be saving me. ❤️
Organizador e beneficiário
Allesha Barnfield
Allesha Barnfield