Saving David
Hello, all. I'm Phil, the one on the right. The guy to the left of me, is David Mickelsen. I am raising money to help him with medical bills and travel expenses for his upcoming surgery, where if all goes as planned, he will be receiving my donated kidney.
So far, it looks like we're a match, and good to go. However there is still a trip to San Fransisco ahead, where I'll be put through intensive testing. So nothing is certain. This is why I urge anyone who is eligible to apply to be a living donor for David. If you are eligible, but not a match for him, you can get onto the exchange program, where you can save someone else, AND bump him up the list.
Link to Living Donor Questionaire
You will need some information from him to fill out the questionnaire, which I cannot provide myself. But you can find him on Facebook, and message him there:
Thank you!
The backstory...
David and I have known each other for about 2 months now. David saved my life, I think. 63 days ago today, I smoked my very last cigarette. I couldn't have done it without his help. Every time I feel the urge to light one up, all I have to do is thing about David... because if I smoke that cigarette, I will kill him.
How's that for motivation?!
A couple months ago, I signed up to be a living kidney donor for Mr. Mickelson. He has almost reached the end of the road with his kidney disease. Due to medical confidentiality laws, I cannot say too much about the specifics if his condition, but it's safe to say he suffers every single day.
I saw his posts on local Facebook groups for quite some time before I took that leap. He's actually been searching for years. Eventually it got to me, seeing him plead with the citizens of my town to help save him. I contacted him on Messenger, and found out I was the right blood type. After filling out a couple applications, and speaking to a nurse from UC Davis on the phone, I was told I had to quit smoking for 30 days to be eligible.
I quit smoking that day.
A couple weeks ago, I finally met the potential future owner of my kidney. We met for an interview for a local AM radio station. Once I got to sit down and listen to David's stories of suffering, and witnessing the physical toll dialysis takes on a man, I was 2,000% ready to do this. All fear of my surgery faded away, when I realized how tough this man has to be to just stay alive. Who am I to complain about a few weeks of discomfort?
Oh, and during our first meeting, I realized we are practically neighbors! We could throw rocks at each other from our back yards. :-)
There are still more tests for me, but according to the labs, I'm a match. How weird is that? The only person in my town to step forward, and I'm a match?! Anyway, March 11 and 12 will be two days of X-rays, scans, needles, and psych evaluations. They have to make sure I can survive the surgery, and they give donors every possible chance to back out, if they get cold feet. Well, my toes are nice and toasty. I'm not worried about the tests. I know I'll pass because I have to. No other eligible donors have stepped up, and David almost out of time.
For those interested in donating a kidney:
Link to Living Donor Questionaire
You will need some information from him to fill out the questionnaire, which I cannot provide myself. But you can find him on Facebook, and message him there: