Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Linda's Support Fund

Donativo protegido
Hello Friends and Family of Linda Lacativa

Linda is currently undergoing chemo once again. As we all know daily finances for her are quite a struggle. She has done the best she can possibly do to keep up her  monthly finances and needs help in the next coming months. If we could all pitch in, whatever we can, I know it will help her greatly while she is recooperating and also take alot of stress off of her while she is receiving treatment.

Thank you ALL !!

Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $100 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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  • Maria De Jesus
    • $25
    • 10 yrs
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $100 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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Rosanna Jimenez
Lake Worth, FL

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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