Support protesters arrested by SLCPD
We're raising money to support anyone arrested by SLCPD during the George Floyd/National Day of Protest action on May 30 as well as related protests in the days/weeks following. Please donate to help pay for bail!
I am an organizer with Utah Against Police Brutality in Salt Lake City.
I am coordinating this fundraiser for people who were arrested related to the protest UAPB organized on May 30.
These funds will be used for bail/bond costs for those arrested, including retroactive reimbursements. Any remaining funds will be used to pay for any continuing support of those arrested based on the needs of particular individuals, as well as the continued support of UAPB's efforts to fight police brutality in Salt Lake and Utah.
Myself and other UAPB organizers are actively getting in contact with those who have been arrested and will deliver funds by check when we have determined the needs of each individual. If you, a family member, or friend were one of those arrested, please contact us at [email redacted] or Facebook as soon as possible. https://www.facebook.com/UtahAgainstPoliceBrutality