Brighton and Hove Cabs for Jabs
Donation protected
Brighton and Hove Streamline Taxis and Brighton and Hove Radio Cabs are currently working together to raise funds to provide over 1000 Free cab rides for those in our community who cannot afford to pay to travel for their Covid - 19 vaccinations.
Some people are concerned about using public transport, exposing themselves to more people than they would in a taxi so we want to make it safer for those who are more vulnerable and the elderly to travel alone or with one other person from their household or bubble.
Streamline and Radio Cabs are not in a position to offer this service for free as drivers are already working on a much lower income due to the pandemic.
We hope that by raising funds those eligible for the vaccine will be more likely to attend their appointments and not have to worry about the cost of getting there and back.
However we do hope that only those in genuine need of financial help will take advantage of this offer and ask that you help raise awareness of this service and donate as much as you possibly can.
We’d like to thank those who have donated and would be grateful if you can all share the link and spread the word to others who can donate and support this initiative.
We are working closely with many of the city's Vaccination center's and please get in touch with your surgery as soon as you receive your Covid appointment.
If you want to book a free cab to get to your Covid Appointment please call 01273202020 or 01273204060
You'll need to confirm your appointment time and location please.
Brighton and Hove Cabs for Jabs fundraising team will only use your donation to pay for taxi fares for Brighton and Hove older and vulnerable residents who require assistance getting to and from their Covid vaccination appointment only.
Some people are concerned about using public transport, exposing themselves to more people than they would in a taxi so we want to make it safer for those who are more vulnerable and the elderly to travel alone or with one other person from their household or bubble.
Streamline and Radio Cabs are not in a position to offer this service for free as drivers are already working on a much lower income due to the pandemic.
We hope that by raising funds those eligible for the vaccine will be more likely to attend their appointments and not have to worry about the cost of getting there and back.
However we do hope that only those in genuine need of financial help will take advantage of this offer and ask that you help raise awareness of this service and donate as much as you possibly can.
We’d like to thank those who have donated and would be grateful if you can all share the link and spread the word to others who can donate and support this initiative.
We are working closely with many of the city's Vaccination center's and please get in touch with your surgery as soon as you receive your Covid appointment.
If you want to book a free cab to get to your Covid Appointment please call 01273202020 or 01273204060
You'll need to confirm your appointment time and location please.
Brighton and Hove Cabs for Jabs fundraising team will only use your donation to pay for taxi fares for Brighton and Hove older and vulnerable residents who require assistance getting to and from their Covid vaccination appointment only.
Streamline Taxis Radio Cabs